Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica.
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica. En la televisión vemos imágenes de gente desesperada que en masas trata de entrar en la Unión Europea. "Esta es la peor crisis de refugiados desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial", según el...
4 September 2015
Así como otrora millones de europeos emigraron a ultramar, jóvenes africanos emigran hacia Europa. Carlos Lopes, jefe de la Comisión Económica de la ONU para África, aboga por una conciencia histórica. En la televisión vemos imágenes de gente desesperada que en masas trata de entrar en la Unión Europea. "Esta es la peor crisis de refugiados desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial", según el...
4 September 2015
Coragem dos exploradores europeus que emigraram no passado é a mesma dos africanos que hoje se arriscam na tentativa de chegar à Europa, opina Carlos Lopes, chefe da Comissão Econômica da ONU para a África.
4 September 2015
Just as Europeans migrated overseas in the past, so are Africans now migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary, the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes draws parallels between the two episodes.
3 September 2015
SOME are calling it payback time for Europe’s role in colonising Africa, some are attributing the current wave of migration from Sub-Saharan Africa to Europe to poverty and unequal distribution of wealth, while others are arguing that African leaders are to blame for the current wave of young Africans leaving their countries because they have no future in Africa.
3 September 2015
Just like Europeans migrated overseas in the past and so are Africans migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes, draws lines between the two episodes.
3 September 2015
Just as Europeans migrated overseas in the past, so are Africans now migrating to Europe. In this guest commentar, the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes draws parallels between the two episodes.
3 September 2015
African countries receive a lot more migrants than the continent exports abroad. In fact the bulk of Africans looking for opportunities outside their countries go to another African country. Less than 2 million seek a destination abroad every year, which is a tiny number in relation to migrant stocks, particularly in Europe. Of the quarter of a million that have tried the Mediterranean route this...
3 September 2015
Just like Europeans migrated overseas in the past and so are Africans migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes, draws lines between the two episodes....
3 September 2015
During this event, Mr Lopes will chair a dissemination seminar on the results of the 2015 edition of the Economic Report on Africa (ERA 2015), « Industrialization through Trade ».
3 September 2015
Since the turn of the century, Africa has been posting growth rates above the average of developing countries. Yet the narrative about the continent seems to be fixated on migration and negative assessments of its performance. It is, therefore, important to understand why Africa is perceived to be generating more migrants today than ever before.
3 September 2015
Since the turn of the century, Africa has been posting growth rates above the average of developing countries. Yet the narrative about the continent seems to be fixated on migration and negative assessments of its performance. It is, therefore, important to understand why Africa is perceived to be generating more migrants today than ever before. By CARLOS LOPES.
3 September 2015
Just as Europeans migrated overseas in the past, so are Africans now migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary, the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes draws parallels between the two episodes.
3 September 2015
The time is ripe for Africa now for a number of reasons. With 7 – 10 million youth looking for jobs every day, all opportunities should be seized. Africa’s creative economy can trigger a value chain between artists, entrepreneurs, distributors and support services across multiple sectors to provide modern jobs.
3 September 2015
"Nestes 40 anos vencemos as impossibilidades. Cabo Verde era um país improvável, hoje é um país possível. É um país de rendimento médio, um país emergente que se viabilizou nestes 40 anos e agora é construir novas possibilidades e transformá-las em oportunidades", disse José Maria Neves aos jornalistas.
