Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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3 September 2015
Since the turn of the century, Africa has been posting growth rates above the average of developing countries. Yet the narrative about the continent seems to be fixated on migration and negative assessments of its performance. It is, therefore, important to understand why Africa is perceived to be generating more migrants today than ever before.
3 September 2015
During this event, Mr Lopes will chair a dissemination seminar on the results of the 2015 edition of the Economic Report on Africa (ERA 2015), « Industrialization through Trade ».
3 September 2015
Just like Europeans migrated overseas in the past and so are Africans migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes, draws lines between the two episodes....
3 September 2015
African countries receive a lot more migrants than the continent exports abroad. In fact the bulk of Africans looking for opportunities outside their countries go to another African country. Less than 2 million seek a destination abroad every year, which is a tiny number in relation to migrant stocks, particularly in Europe. Of the quarter of a million that have tried the Mediterranean route this...
3 September 2015
Just as Europeans migrated overseas in the past, so are Africans now migrating to Europe. In this guest commentar, the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes draws parallels between the two episodes.
3 September 2015
Just like Europeans migrated overseas in the past and so are Africans migrating to Europe. In this guest commentary the head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes, draws lines between the two episodes.
2 September 2015
THE executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Dr Carlos Lopes, said last night there was a need to recover African identities distorted by colonialism.
2 September 2015
Speaking to Bank staff on Friday, Kaberuka said, "I was optimistic then, and I'm optimistic now: I leave the Bank as confident as ever about where Africa is heading. Presidents come and go, but the Bank stays. Africa needs a strong AfDB - and we have an AfDB that gets stronger by the day.
2 September 2015
A step in the right direction is the investigation into the more than $50bn in illicit financial flows that flood out of Africa each year, according to South Africa's former president Thabo Mbeki and Carlos Lopes, head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
2 September 2015
Le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique fait un saut dans le passé pour comprendre les raisons qui pousse les Africains à immigrer. Depuis le début de l’année, un flot incessant d’images en provenance de l’île italienne de Lampedusa, de la ville de Calais où débouche l’Eurotunnel, de Bodrum en Turquie, des îles ...
2 September 2015
UN Under-Secretary-Generaland ECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes will take part on 3 September 2015 in Cairo (Egypt) in the 96th ministerial meeting of the League of Arab States Economic and Social Council. This meeting will take place with the participation of high Arab and International officials including Mr Nabil Alarabi, Secretary General of the League of Arab States and Mr Waleed Al...
2 September 2015
Monday, August 31 was the last full day in office for Donald Kaberuka, who steps down after 10 years as President of the African Development Bank.
2 September 2015
As the country's institutions of higher learning grapple with issues of transformation, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa says the deliberations are part of continental conversations on the applicability of Pan-Africanism.
2 September 2015
UN Under-Secretary-Generaland ECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes will take part on 3 September 2015 in Cairo (Egypt) in the 96th ministerial meeting of the League of Arab States Economic and Social Council. This meeting will take place with the participation of high Arab and International officials including Mr Nabil Alarabi, Secretary General of
2 September 2015
Chegados praticamente ao fim da corrida para alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio, atravessamos um momento particularmente intenso, na medida da passagem de testemunho à Agenda de Desenvolvimento Pós-2015, incluindo nesta mesma passagem os objetivos globais a serem adotados pelos líderes mundiais em setembro, na sede das Nações Unidas. Quão pronta está África para abarcar esta...
2 September 2015
Depuis le début de l’année, un flot incessant d’images en provenance de l’île italienne de Lampedusa, de la ville de Calais où débouche l’Eurotunnel, de Bodrum en Turquie, des îles de l’est de la Grèce ou des enclaves espagnoles de Ceuta et Melilla au Maroc, inonde les écrans de télévision et les médias en général. Ces images montrent des êtres désespérés qui tentent, en très grand nombre, de...
2 September 2015
Carlos Lopes irá à reunião ministerial do Conselho Económico e Social da Liga dos Estados Árabes; evento começa nesta quinta-feira, no Egito. Laura Gelbert, da Rádio ONU em Nova Iorque. O secretário executivo da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para África, ECA, Carlos Lopes, participa na 96ª reunião ministerial do Conselho Económico e Social da Liga
2 September 2015
Since the turn of the century, Africa has been posting growth rates above the average of developing countries. Yet the narrative about the continent seems to be fixated on migration and negative assessments of its performance. It is, therefore, important to understand why Africa is perceived to be generating more migrants today than ever before.
1 September 2015
M. Carlos Lopes, Sous-Secrétaire Général de l'ONU et Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique (CEA) présidera un séminaire de diffusion sur les résultats de l'édition 2015 du Rapport Economique sur l'Afrique au Caire (Egypte) le 3 septembre 2015, en marge de la 96ème Réunion du Conseil Economique et Social de la Ligue des Etats Arabes.
1 September 2015
Speaking to Bank staff on Friday, Kaberuka said, “I was optimistic then, and I’m optimistic now: I leave the Bank as confident as ever about where Africa is heading. Presidents come and go, but the Bank stays. Africa needs a strong AfDB – and we have an AfDB that gets stronger by the day.
