Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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15 September 2015
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday received credentials from six incoming envoys at State House, Nairobi.
15 September 2015
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday at State House, Nairobi, received credentials from six incoming envoys.
15 September 2015
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday received credentials from six incoming envoys at State House, Nairobi.
15 September 2015
Since the beginning of this year a relentless flow of images from the Italian island of Lampedusa, the city of Calais where the Eurotunnel starts, Bodrum in Turkey, the eastern islands of Greece, or the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, are invading television screens and media outlets. They portray massive scale attempts by desperate souls trying to reach European countries. The...
13 September 2015
On September 1 in Cape Town, Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, delivered the second commemorative lecture in honour of anti-apartheid icon Jakes Gerwel, who served as Director-General of the presidency when Nelson Mandela was in office. This is the unabridged speech, fully titled: “How does the African continent combine its abundant resources with the...
11 September 2015
Desde o início do ano que um fluxo incessante de imagens invade as televisões e os meios de comunicação: A ilha italiana de Lampedusa; o Calais na zona onde o Eurotúnel começa; o Bodrum na Turquia; as ilhas do leste grego; por fim, os enclaves espanhóis de Ceuta e Melila em Marrocos.
11 September 2015
The Egyptian capital of Cairo is to host high ranking African government officials, heads of international organizations, members of the diplomatic community, leaders of international financial institutions and the business community as the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) inaugurates its Headquarters building and conducts the investiture of its new president on 20 and 21 September.
11 September 2015
Les chiffres sont inquiétants : 620 millions de personnes n’ont pas accès à l’électricité en Afrique, soit près des deux tiers de la population du continent. Pour de nombreux analystes, le déficit énergétique dont souffre cette région du monde constitue l’une des principaux freins à sa croissance. Une croissance qui, assure pourtant la Banque mondiale, s’est située entre 5 et 17 % en 2014 dans...
11 September 2015
Desde o início do ano que um fluxo incessante de imagens invade as televisões e os meios de comunicação: A ilha italiana de Lampedusa; o Calais na zona onde o Eurotúnel começa; o Bodrum na Turquia; as ilhas do leste grego; por fim, os enclaves espanhóis de Ceuta e Melila em Marrocos.
11 September 2015
Desde o início do ano que um fluxo incessante de imagens invade televisões e meios de comunicação: a ilha italiana de Lampedusa; Calais na zona onde o Eurotúnel começa; Bodrum na Turquia; as ilhas do Leste grego; por fim, os enclaves espanhóis de Ceuta e Melilla em Marrocos.
10 September 2015
Depuis le début de l’année, un flot incessant d’images en provenance de l’île italienne de Lampedusa, de la ville de Calais où débouche l’Eurotunnel, de Bodrum en Turquie, des îles de l’est de la Grèceou des enclaves espagnoles de Ceuta et Melilla au Maroc, inonde les écrans de télévision et les médias en général. Ces imagesmontrent des êtres désespérés qui tentent, en très grand nombre, de...
10 September 2015
What are Africa's next big achievements? How can industrialisation solve the energy and infrastructure crisis? And what does superfood have to do with moving up the value chain in Africa?
9 September 2015
The Africa Forum is the annual gathering where OECD and African policy makers, private sector representatives, academics and civil society leaders meet to debate the performance of African economies and the challenges ahead.
9 September 2015
Mr. Lopes made this call while addressing Cabinet Ministers of the Government of Namibia, who have been locked in a three-day Cabinet Retreat in the Daan Viljoen Game Reserve, Khomas Region, some fifteen kilometers on the outskirts of the capital city, Windhoek.
8 September 2015
The ministers and their deputies were expected to sign the performance agreements during the retreat at the Daan Viljoen resort on the outskirts of Windhoek. Held under the theme “Managing Results Through Performance Agreements”, the retreat was meant to introduce a high productivity culture and change management.
7 September 2015
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes lance un appel aux ministres et députés namibiens;il leur demande d'être aussi aptes, rigoureux et déterminés que le guépard dans la nature qui fait preuve de vitesse et d'efficacité.
7 September 2015
Migration is part of the human journey since the sophisticated apes started moving out of the Rift Valley in Africa. The history of humanity is so rich and complex that we have difficulty relating to a very remote common origin, except for historical assessments and philosophical statements.
7 September 2015
African countries receive a lot more migrants than the continent exports abroad. In fact, the bulk of Africans looking for opportunities outside their countries go to another African country. Less than 2 million seek a destination abroad every year, which is a tiny number in relation to migrant stocks, particularly in Europe.
7 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild."
7 September 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on Namibian Government Ministers and their Deputies to "imbibe the values of fitness, focus and determination, which make the Cheetah the fastest, most effective and efficient animals in the wild."
