Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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24 September 2015
Carlos Lopes, U.N. executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, spoke frankly regarding his concerns about the SDG agenda.
24 September 2015
The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Dr. Carlos Lopes will officially welcome the new President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Adesina Akinwumi, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, headquarters of both the AUC and the UNECA. Dr. Dlamini Zuma and Carlos Lopes told...
24 September 2015
As the curtains close on the Millennium Development Goals, Mr. Carlos Lopes has stressed that the intense participation of Africa in defining the new sustainable development agenda paves the way for governments to make critical structural changes in response to socio-economic inequality.
24 September 2015
African decision-makers gather to take stock of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), draw lessons for next generation of goals
24 September 2015
African decision-makers gather to take stock of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and draw lessons for the next generation of Goals
24 September 2015
Bissau, 24 set (Lusa) - As figuras guineenses com trabalho de mérito vão ser homenageadas para que o seu exemplo seja seguido pelas novas gerações no projeto HomenageArte do Movimento Ação Cidadã (MAC), que quer refrescar os ideais da independência da Guiné-Bissau.
23 September 2015
Accès à l'électricité, modernisation de l'agriculture, soutien aux PME… Face à Jeune Afrique, le patron de l'institution panafricaine fixe clairement ses objectifs. Quelques jours après avoir pris ses fonctions, il se montre confiant et déterminé.
23 September 2015
The extraordinary and still amazing bravery of the European explorers, facing unknown seas and geography with just scarce scientific tools for orientation and survival has been celebrated. It is an extraordinary demonstration of human determination. That same bravery is displayed by today’s migrants to Europe.
22 September 2015
Industrialisation, rôle de la BAD, boom démographique… Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique évoque les défis que doit relever le continent. Sans langue de bois et en bousculant certaines idées reçues.
22 September 2015
This is definitely a question for the 21st century Africans to answer. Do we still Beleive in Culture? Or are we just having a free day to reflect and afterwards forget about our true origin? Just a while ago, we had a very heated conversation at the 1voice Radio studio dry-run about the heritage week, and what’s culture got to do with our heritage and our present moral reality. Of course as...
21 September 2015
The extraordinary and still amazing bravery of the European explorers, facing unknown seas and geography with just scarce scientific tools for orientation and survival has been celebrated. It is an extraordinary demonstration of human determination. That same bravery is displayed by today’s migrants to Europe.
21 September 2015
LESS than one month after the former Agriculture Minister, Dr. Akinwumi Ad­esina, assumed duty as the President of the African Development Bank Group, Nigeria’s image will, once again, glow abroad with the investiture of Dr. Bene­dict Okechukwu Oramah as the third President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank).
20 September 2015
Top African government officials, heads of international organisations, members of the diplomatic community and leaders of international financial institutions, will converge on Cairo, Egypt for the investiture of the new African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) President, Dr. Benedict Oramah, tomorrow.
19 September 2015
O primeiro-ministro de Cabo Verde lançou esta sexta-feira, em Lisboa, o seu mais recente livro, intitulado ‘Cabo Verde: Gestão das Impossibilidades’.
19 September 2015
The Egyptian capital of Cairo is to host high-ranking African government officials, heads of international organisations, members of the diplomatic community, leaders of international financial institutions and the business community as the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) inaugurates its headquarters building and conducts the investiture of its new president on 20-21 September.
19 September 2015
O primeiro-ministro de Cabo Verde lançou esta sexta-feira, em Lisboa, o seu mais recente livro, intitulado ‘Cabo Verde: Gestão das Impossibilidades’.
18 September 2015
The newly appointed President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), Dr. Benedict Oramah, a Nigerian, will on Monday, September 21 assume duties in Cairo, Egypt.
18 September 2015
The newly appointed President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), Dr. Benedict Oramah, a Nigerian, will on Monday, September 21 assume duties in Cairo, Egypt.
16 September 2015
Le quinzième Forum international sur l’Afrique, qui s’est tenu le 9 septembre à Berlin, a été consacré à l’agenda post-2015. Il a exploré la possibilité d’une nouvelle voie pour le continent, celle d’une croissance durable et inclusive. Le forum, organisé par le centre de développement économique de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE), s’est tenu pour la première...
15 September 2015
Since the beginning of this year a relentless flow of images from the Italian island of Lampedusa, the city of Calais where the Eurotunnel starts, Bodrum in Turkey, the eastern islands of Greece, or the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, are invading television screens and media outlets. They portray massive scale attempts by desperate souls trying to reach European countries. The...
