Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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10 February 2016
Secretário de Estado das Relações Exteriores, Manuel Augusto, mantém, à margem da Cimeira da União Africana, que decorre na sede da organização continental, na capita da Etiópia, um encontro de trabalho com o secretário executivo da Comissão Econômica (CEA) das Nações Unidas para a África, Carlos Lopes.
10 February 2016
A UNITED NATIONS (UN) senior official has urged government to exercise fiscal discipline and continue in its engagement with international partners.
10 February 2016
A UNITED NATIONS (UN) senior official has urged government to exercise fiscal discipline and continue in its engagement with international partners.
9 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds. It was as if the road to a new continental status was a given, even though we were all too busy approving many frameworks and strategies, centered on the need for real structural transformation. Unfortunately the time for a wake-up call is passed. A combination of...
9 February 2016
Pendant un temps, notre enthousiasme face aux bons résultats économiques du continent a eu un effet contagieux à l’origine d’une certaine paresse chez nombre d’entre nous. C’était comme si la voie vers un nouveau statut du continent était toute tracée, même si nous étions quand même tous occupés par l’adoption de nombreux cadres et stratégies, centrés sur la nécessité d’une réelle transformation...
9 February 2016
It seemed as though Africa was set to embrace meaningful transformation. But perhaps we were all too busy approving frameworks and strategies centred on the need for real structural transformation to realise that the African story line is still not sanguine. Huge differences in the distribution and exercise of political and economic power have resulted in violent conflicts and the key economic...
9 February 2016
It seemed as though Africa was set to embrace meaningful transformation. But perhaps we were all too busy approving frameworks and strategies centred on the need for real structural transformation to realise that the African story line is still not sanguine. Huge differences in the distribution and exercise of political and economic power have resulted in violent conflicts and the key economic...
9 February 2016
It seemed as though Africa was set to embrace meaningful transformation. But perhaps we were all too busy approving frameworks and strategies centred on the need for real structural transformation to realise that the African story line is still not sanguine. Huge differences in the distribution and exercise of political and economic power have resulted in violent conflicts and the key economic...
9 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds. It was as if the road to a new continental status was a given, even though we were all too busy approving many frameworks and strategies, centered on the need for real structural transformation. Unfortunately the time for a wake-up call is passed.
9 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds. It was as if the road to a new continental status was a given, even though we were all too busy approving many frameworks and strategies, centered on the need for real structural transformation.
8 February 2016
As histórias de Amílcar e Helena agora em livro
8 February 2016
O que Amílcar cabral, futuro líder do paigc, escreveu à primeira mulher, filha de transmontanos, foi agora reunido em livro.
8 February 2016
Suite aux attentats des derniers mois, la Banque Centrale de Tunisie a revu ses estimations de croissance pour le pays ; elle serait limitée à 1 % en 2015. Ce ralentisse­ment provient d’une part de la conjoncture sécuritaire, mais de manière plus structurelle de l’atonie de la demande extérieure adressée à la Tunisie, dont 64 % des échanges commerciaux se réalisent avec l’Union européenne (UE).
7 February 2016
African countries will face significant but surmountable challenges as the air transport sector doubles its passenger and flight volumes over the next 15 years
7 February 2016
4 February 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34th Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
3 February 2016
Dr Carlos Lopes, a Senior UN official, has said Chinese funding to the AU announced during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC),held last year in South Africa, was important for the establishment of the African Standby Force.
3 February 2016
The Administration and Human Resources Management Directorate (AHRMD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) launched the African Union Leadership Academy project on the 28th of January, 2016 at the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme: Driving the Africa We Want.
3 February 2016
Results show that the economic performance of conflict areas is on average 10% below that of conflict-free areas in most GDP performance categories.
3 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds. It was as if the road to a new continental status was a given, even though we were all too busy approving many frameworks and strategies, centered on the need for real structural transformation. Unfortunately the time for a wake-up call is passed.
