Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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3 February 2016
Results show that the economic performance of conflict areas is on average 10% below that of conflict-free areas in most GDP performance categories.
3 February 2016
The Administration and Human Resources Management Directorate (AHRMD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) launched the African Union Leadership Academy project on the 28th of January, 2016 at the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme: Driving the Africa We Want.
2 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds. It was as if the road to a new continental status was a given, even though we were all too busy approving many frameworks and strategies, centered on the need for real structural transformation. Unfortunately the time for a wake-up call is passed. A combination of...
2 February 2016
O secretário de Estado das Relações Exteriores, Manuel Augusto, manteve neste domingo, um encontro de trabalho com o secretário executivo da Comissão Económica (CEA) das Nações Unidas para a África, Carlos Lopes.
2 February 2016
Le financement chinois de 60 millions de dollars à l'Union africaine annoncé lors du sommet du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine (FOCAC) tenu en décembre en Afrique du Sud est une "aide importante" pour la mise en place de la Force africaine en attente (FAA), a jugé dans une interview à Xinhua Dr. Carlos Lopes, haut responsable de l'Onu.
2 February 2016
Africa’s economic growth has been forecast to grow 4.4 percent in 2016, up from 3.7 percent in 2015, said a UN report released on Tuesday in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.
2 February 2016
La financiación china para la Unión Africana (UA) que fue anunciada durante el Foro sobre la Cooperación China-Africa celebrado el año pasado en Sudáfrica, es importante para el establecimiento de la Fuerza de Reserva Africana, dijo el Dr. Carlos Lopes, alto funcionario de la ONU.
2 February 2016
Chinese funding to the African Union (AU) that was announced during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held last year in South Africa, is important for establishment of the African Standby Force, a senior UN official Dr. Carlos Lopes has said.
1 February 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34th Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
1 February 2016
Chinese funding to the African Union (AU) that was announced during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held last year in South Africa, is important for establishment of the African Standby Force, a senior UN official Dr. Carlos Lopes has said.
1 February 2016
Addis Ababa, Feb. 1, 2016 (Xinhua/NAN) Dr Carlos Lopes, a Senior UN official, has said Chinese funding to the AU announced during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC),held last year in South Africa, was important for the establishment of the African Standby Force.
1 February 2016
Successive generations of public servants are set to benefit from high-level training following the launch of the African Union Leadership Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday.
1 February 2016
Co-operation in the health sector with China has helped reduce disease burden in Africa while strengthening the continent’s capacity to respond to new infections, said a senior African Union (AU) official.
1 February 2016
O Presidente da República, José Eduardo dos Santos, foi convidado neste sábado pelo seu homólogo Vladimir Putin a visitar a Rússia entre os meses de Maio e Julho deste ano, para o reforço da cooperação entre os dois países, noticiou a Angop, citando uma fonte da delegação angolana à Cimeira da União Africana (UA), decorrida sábado e ontem em Addis Abeba.
1 February 2016
Addis Ababa — The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Manuel Augusto, held on Sunday a working meeting with the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNCEA), Carlos Lopes.
1 February 2016
Le président Ismaïl Omar Guelleh a regagné le pays hier en fin d’après-midi après avoir participé à Addis-Abeba aux travaux du 26e sommet de l’UA à Addis-Abeba. Il a été accueilli au pied de son avion par le Premier ministre Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, le président de l’Assemblée nationale, Mohamed Ali Houmed, mais aussi par l’ensemble des membres du gouvernement et les représentants des corps...
1 February 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34th Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
1 February 2016
Successive generations of public servants are set to benefit from high-level training following the launch of the African Union Leadership Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday.
1 February 2016
Le financement chinois de 60 millions de dollars à l'Union africaine annoncé lors du sommet du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine (FOCAC) tenu en décembre en Afrique du Sud est une "aide importante" pour la mise en place de la Force africaine en attente (FAA), a jugé dans une interview à Xinhua Dr. Carlos Lopes, haut responsable de l'Onu.
31 January 2016
Finding the right policies and process to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead for African Union leaders‚ says Carlos Lopes‚ Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa.
