Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

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31 January 2016
Giving a historical background to trends in human migration, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa on Sunday said finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead for people on the continent.
31 January 2016
African Heads of State, leaders and other stakeholders discussed the implementation of Africa's Agenda 2063 and ways to advance human rights, particularly women's rights, during the 26th session of the African Union (AU) Assembly, which convened under the theme, ‘2016: African Year of Human Rights, with particular focus on the Rights of Women.'
31 January 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34 Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
31 January 2016
Le financement chinois de 60 millions de dollars à l'Union africaine annoncé lors du sommet du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine (FOCAC) tenu en...
31 January 2016
Finding the right policies and process to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead for African Union leaders‚ says Carlos Lopes‚ Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa.
31 January 2016
Finding the right policies and process to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead for African Union leaders‚ says Carlos Lopes‚ Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa.
31 January 2016
Le financement chinois de 60 millions de dollars à l'Union africaine annoncé lors du sommet du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine (FOCAC) tenu en...
31 January 2016
'Enterprising Africa: What role can financial inclusion play in driving employment-led growth?' is a new FPC report which explores how improving the access and distribution of financial services influences employment creation across Africa.
30 January 2016
Lors de son allocution à la 34ème session du Comité d’orientation des chefs d’État et de gouvernement du NEPAD, M. Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, qui rappelait le contexte historique des tendances migratoires humaines, dit que le défi est de trouver de bonnes politiques et processus qui favorisent les migrations.
30 January 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34 Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
30 January 2016
Arrancou hoje em Addis Abeba a 26ª cimeira de chefes-de-Estado da União Africana. A cerimónia ficou marcada pela passagem de testemunho do presidente do Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe para o seu homólogo do Chade Idriss Déby Itno.
30 January 2016
Une embellie économique semble s’annoncer pour le continent africain dont 70% des pays ont adhéré à ce projet porté par les 20 dirigeants africains, membres du Comité d’orientation des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement du Nepad (Hsgoc).
30 January 2016
Zimbabwe has committed itself to advance the continent’s socio-economic transformation through establishment of the Pan-African Minerals University of Science and Technology (Pamust), President Mugabe has said.
29 January 2016
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique, Carlos Lopes, appelle les dirigeants africains à prendre des mesures contre l'inégalité économique, social et politique, qui selon lui, est une des principales causes des conflits en Afrique.
29 January 2016
The Administration and Human Resources Management Directorate (AHRMD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) launched the African Union Leadership Academy project today, 28th January, 2016 at the AU in Addis Ababa Ethiopia under the theme: Driving the Africa We Want.
29 January 2016
The Economic Commission for Africa’s Executive Secretary, Carlos Lopes has called on Africa’s leaders to tackle economic, social and political inequality, which he stressed, is a leading cause of conflict in Africa.
29 January 2016
Government has responded to public criticism that the targets contained in some ministers’ performance agreements are too low and without clear measurable goals.
29 January 2016
Giving a historical background of human migration trends, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, in his remarks to the 34 Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee, concluded saying finding the right policies and processes to transform migration into a win-win situation is the challenge ahead.
29 January 2016
Ku bijyanye n’iyi nama, Perezida Paul Kagame yagize ati "Buri gihugu kigomba kwishyiriraho inzira ikigeza ku iterambere. Ariko ubufatanye, mu guhanahana ibitekerezo no kwigira ku byo abandi bagezeho byafasha muri urwo rugendo ku buryo bufatika.”
28 January 2016
Ceux qui ont assisté à la cérémonie d'ouverture de la 28e session du Conseil exécutif de l'Union Africaine mercredi à Addis -Abeba ont dû relever la remarquable allocution de Carlos Lopes, secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies et secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique.Un ton nouveau, une vision perspicace, une profonde connaissance des réalités du...
