Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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22 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
22 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
22 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
22 February 2016
The global commodity slump and China’s economic slowdown have pummelled several African economies, making it clear that the continent’s “rise” was a myth. Now is the time to re-examine the basis of Africa’s recent “boom” and move from feel-good rhetoric to action that will drive genuine economic transformation.
20 February 2016
EGYPT’S President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi opened on Saturday an economic summit attended by African leaders and businessmen that aims to boost trade and investment across the continent.
20 February 2016
World Bank lays down the prospects for the continent in 2016: Countries like Ivory Coast, Rwanda and Tanzania will continue to chalk up robust growth.
19 February 2016
Pendant un temps, notre enthousiasme face aux bons résultats économiques du continent a eu un effet contagieux à l’origine d’une certaine paresse chez nombre d’entre nous. C’était comme si la voie vers un nouveau statut du continent était toute tracée, même si nous étions quand même tous occupés par l’adoption de nombreux cadres et stratégies, centrés sur la nécessité d’une réelle transformation...
19 February 2016
Alarmed by increasing illicit financial outflows, Ethiopia says it is taking new counter measures including installing advanced CCTV cameras at airports and establishing a special intelligence unit.
19 February 2016
China, once every exporter’s favourite piñata as a huge consumer of minerals, has undergone an economic downturn that has sparked off a plunge in commodities prices — which may still deteriorate further.
19 February 2016
A Associação Caboverdeana (ACV) de Lisboa tem a honra e o prazer de o (a) convidar para assistir a uma conferência do eminente Intelectual Africano, Doutor Carlos Lopes, Secretário Executivo da Comissão Económica da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) para a África intitulada A Transformação Estrutural da Economia Africana: A Implicações para Cabo Verde.
18 February 2016
Alarmed by increasing illicit financial outflows, Ethiopia says it is taking new counter measures including installing advanced CCTV cameras at airports and establishing a special intelligence unit. A report released by Global Financial Intelligence last January revealed that $26 billion left the country unlawfully in many forms between 2004 – 2013 with Ethiopia continuing to bleed an average of...
17 February 2016
A UNITED Nations senior official says local manufacturers should take advantage of the strengthening of the United States dollar against the South African rand and import new machinery.
17 February 2016
A UNITED Nations senior official says local manufacturers should take advantage of the strengthening of the United States dollar against the South African rand and import new machinery.
17 February 2016
For a while Africans enthusiasm with the good economic performance of the continent has had a contagious lazy effect in many minds.
15 February 2016
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Mr. Carlos Lopes has lauded the tripartite free trade area agreement reached by three Regional Economic Communities (COMESA, EAC and SADC) as “a step in the right direction for the Continent.”
15 February 2016
Selon une étude réalisée par le cabinet McKinsey en collaboration avec la Communauté Economique Africaine, (CEA) et la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), le Gabon figure parmi les pays d’Afrique où la mobilité des ressortissants du continent est plus difficile qu’ailleurs.
15 February 2016
O que Amílcar cabral, futuro líder do paigc, escreveu à primeira mulher, filha de trasmontanos, foi agora reunido em livro.
15 February 2016
Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), qualifiait le naufrage de bateaux de migrants du 12 avril 2015, d'une «hécatombe jamais vue en Méditerranée». Ces tragédies migratoires sont assez anciennes et récurrentes, mais leur médiatisation croissante pousse les décideurs politiques à mettre en place des politiques visant à anticiper ces drames.
12 February 2016
“Quero revelar o amilcariano que há é mim”, pode-se ler numa das 53 cartas enviadas por Amílcar Cabral à namorada e primeira esposa Maria Helena Vilhena Rodrigues que são tornadas públicas no livro “Cartas de Amílcar Cabral a Maria Helena – a outra face do homem".
11 February 2016
On 31 January, the African Union Commission Chairperson Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma formally announced the end of the Ebola mission in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
