Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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24 February 2016
Despite stereotypical images of Africa in the media, a more nuanced look at the continent reveals that Africa is evolving and making impressive economic strides, Carlos Lopes, the executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, said at the George Washington University Tuesday evening.
23 February 2016
A Associação Cabo-verdiana (ACV) de Lisboa tem a honra e o prazer de o (a) convidar para assistir a uma conferência do eminente Intelectual Africano, Doutor Carlos Lopes, Secretário Executivo da Comissão Económica da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) para a África intitulada A Transformação Estrutural da Economia Africana: As Implicações para Cabo Verde.
23 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities. It call for accelerated investment, job creation and enhanced regional integration on the continent Overcoming our fears of doing business together...
23 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
23 February 2016
The Africa 2016 FCarlos Lopes: Africa rising story is not an African construct but a foreign narrative based on a few successful trendsorum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities. It call for accelerated...
23 February 2016
Le Forum Africa 2016 qui vient de se conclure à Charm el-Cheikh en Egypte, appelle à une plus de confiance ainsi qu’à la multiplication des partenariats entre les gouvernements et les acteurs du secteur privé, rapporte un communiqué publié mardi par African Media Agency (AMA).
23 February 2016
O secretário-geral adjunto das Nações Unidas é convidado da Associação Caboverdiana de Lisboa para proferir uma conferência, na próxima quinta-feira, subordinada ao tema “A Transformação Estrutural da Economia Africana: As Implicações para Cabo Verde”
23 February 2016
Le Forum Africa 2016, qui vient de se conclure à Charm el-Cheikh, appelle à une plus de confiance ainsi qu’à la multiplication des partenariats entre les gouvernements et les acteurs du secteur privé. Le Forum a également rappelé aux chefs d’entreprises africains, l’importance de la création de synergies commerciales transnationales.
23 February 2016
Dr. Carlos Lopes was appointed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as the eighth Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, at the level of UN Under Secretary-General, in September 2012. Dr. Lopes previously served as Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva and Director of the UN System Staff College in Turin at the level of...
23 February 2016
Le Forum Africa 2016 qui vient de se conclure à Charm el-Cheikh en Egypte, appelle à plus de confiance ainsi qu’à la multiplication des partenariats
23 February 2016
Ceci est une tribune de Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, une institution des Nations Unies. Titulaire d’un doctorat en histoire de l’Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), ainsi que d’un master de recherche obtenu à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève, il a d’abord servi dans la Fonction publique de son pays d’...
23 February 2016
Ceci est une tribune de Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique des Nations Unies. Titulaire d’un doctorat en histoire de l’Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), ainsi que d’un master de recherche obtenu à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève, il a d’abord servi dans la Fonction publique de son pays d’origine, la...
22 February 2016
Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el Sisi is calling on African leaders to invest in education so that the continent’s peoples can acquire the skills to contribute to the region’s economic growth.
22 February 2016
A Associação Caboverdeana (ACV) de Lisboa organiza uma conferência com Carlos Lopes, Secretário Executivo da Comissão Económica da Organização das Nações Unidas para a África, intitulada "A Transformação Estrutural da Economia Africana: As Implicações para Cabo Verde".
22 February 2016
A Associação Caboverdeana (ACV) de Lisboa tem a honra e o prazer de o (a) convidar para assistir a uma conferência do eminente Intelectual Africano, Doutor Carlos Lopes, Secretário Executivo da Comissão Económica da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) para a África intitulada A Transformação Estrutural da Economia Africana: As Implicações para Cabo Verde.
22 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
22 February 2016
Sharm el-Sheikh - Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el Sisi is calling on African leaders to invest in education so that the continent's peoples can acquire the skills to contribute to the region's economic growth.
22 February 2016
Sharm el Sheikh — The Africa 2016 Discussion Board, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater belief and cooperation, between executive and the non-public sector but additionally between African businesses to look beyond their borders for companions and alternatives.
22 February 2016
Dans cet entretien accordé à Cap Éco Africa, Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de l’Uneca, analyse les enjeux économiques de la sous-région. Pour le responsable onusien, les États doivent accorder plus d’intérêt à l’industrie afin de réussir la transformation structurelle de leurs économies.
22 February 2016
The Africa 2016 Forum, which has just concluded in Sharm el Sheikh called for greater trust and cooperation, between government and the private sector but also between African businesses to look beyond their borders for partners and opportunities.
