ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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5 December 2018
Participants at the 13th African Economic Conference called on African countries to leverage the full range of their strengths and resources to accelerate the region’s drive towards continental integration.
5 December 2018
South African Parliament on Tuesday ratified the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
5 December 2018
Participants to the 13th African Economic Conference called for African countries to leverage the full range of their strengths and resources to accelerate the region’s drive towards continental integration.
5 December 2018
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies has welcomed the ratification of the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) by Parliament.
5 December 2018
Le rapport 2018 sur les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) invite les Etats africains à donner la priorité aux investissements dans l’eau et l'assainissement pour améliorer les résultats pour la santé et tirer parti de la capacité de production de la population.
5 December 2018
Le dernier rapport sur la gouvernance en Afrique estime que ce continent est lent à convertir ses dotations en ressources naturelles en résultats de développement tangibles en raison des faiblesses dans la gouvernance et des capacités plus larges des nations africaines.
5 December 2018
United Nations economic commission’s head expressed readiness to “help Member States in developing their national Blue Economy strategies.” Blue economy has significant potential to bolster the socio-economic transformation of the global economy, said Vera Songwe, executive secretary of ECA
5 December 2018
The opening day of COP24 Leader’s Summit was marked by the celebration of Africa Day which focused on how the implementation of Africa’s Nationally Determined Contributions for a healthy environment can accelerate development on the continent.
5 December 2018
« L’intégration de l’Afrique n’est plus un choix mais, c'est un must pour le continent et ses habitants », a soutenu la Ministre déléguée à la planification économique du Rwanda, Mme Claudine Uwera.
5 December 2018
The fifth edition of the African Governance Report (AGR-V) was launched and discussed by delegates attending the 2018 African Economic Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, on Tuesday.
5 December 2018
Professor Paul Collier, one of the world’s most influential development economists, warns that Africa’s “easy decade” of accelerated economic growth is coming to an end, and only accelerated job creation and integration will ensure sustainable growth and development across the continent.
5 December 2018
The fifth edition of the African Governance Report (AGR-V) was launched and discussed by delegates attending the 2018 African Economic Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, on Tuesday.The report, which is produced by the Economic Commission for Africa ( UN ECA), examines efforts made to improve the governance of Africa’s abundant natural resources.
4 December 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa’s management is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the right support to access all services, technologies and systems at the institution and that their rights are fully realized, Executive Secretary Vera Songwe said Monday.
4 December 2018
The two days Ad Hoc Experts Group Meeting (AEGM) on the theme "Land, Identity and Socio-Economic Transformation in Southern Africa” has ended today with experts urging Member States and development partners to adopt harmonised land policy, legal and regulatory frameworks as well as accelerate the domestication of regional and continental land policy and frameworks.
4 December 2018
A draft report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) titled, “Attracting Institutional Investors in Africa’s Infrastructure,” has undergone a thorough review by experts from wide-ranging sectors, including infrastructure, finance, stock exchange, academia, investment, and legal, among others.
4 December 2018
Les investissements chinois actuels en Afrique, notamment dans le développement des infrastructures, sont bons pour l'Afrique et favorisent une transformation économique et sociale du continent, a déclaré lundi à Kigali un responsable de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD).
4 December 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa’s management is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the right support to access all services, technologies and systems at the institution and that their rights are fully realized, Executive Secretary Vera Songwe said Monday.
4 December 2018
A United Nations official on Sunday urged African states to borrow in local currencies in order to improve their debt sustainability.
4 December 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa’s management is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the right support to access all services, technologies and systems at the institution and that their rights are fully realized, Executive Secretary Vera Songwe said Monday.
4 December 2018
The opening day of COP24 Leader’s Summit was marked by the celebration of Africa Day held under the theme "The Africa Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Hub: Going further and faster with NDC implementation in support of Agenda 2063".
4 December 2018
Experts have called on African economies to embrace regional and continental integration to accelerate trade and strengthen economic growth across Africa.
4 December 2018
Economists on Tuesday urged African countries to make their industrial policies more effective in order to boost manufacturing exports, as the region focuses on continental integration to promote trade.
4 December 2018
Africa’s “easy decade” of accelerated economic growth is coming to an end, and only accelerated job creation and integration will ensure sustainable growth and development across the continent, Prof. Paul Collier, one of the world’s most influential development economists has warned.
4 December 2018
The Annual Africa Economic Conference is important to charting the way for inclusive integration said Hon. Claudine Uwera, Rwanda’s Minister of State in charge of Economic Planning while speaking on behalf of Rwandan President H.E Paul Kagame.
4 December 2018
The African Development Bank (AFDB) in partnership with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will undertake a training program focused on data management and dissemination in Africa in Rabat, the Moroccan capital this month.
