ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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3 December 2018
African economies need to come up with innovative approaches to mobilize funds to finance infrastructure development as a prerequisite for deepening continental integration, experts said Monday.
3 December 2018
Accelerating solutions to Africa’s infrastructure gaps must be taken seriously if Africa is to realise the aspirations of its people as enshrined in the continent’s blueprint for development, Agenda 2063 and the global agenda for sustainable development.
3 December 2018
Participants to the 13th African Economic Conference called for African countries to leverage the full range of their strengths and resources to accelerate the region’s drive towards continental integration.
3 December 2018
The online investment guide (iGuide) to Mauritania has been launched in the presence of the media and representatives of the public and private sector.
3 December 2018
Les investissements chinois actuels en Afrique, notamment dans le développement des infrastructures, sont bons pour l'Afrique et favorisent une transformation économique et sociale du continent, a déclaré lundi à Kigali un responsable de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD).
3 December 2018
Les économies africaines doivent mettre au point des approches innovantes pour réunir les fonds nécessaires au développement de leurs infrastructures, des infrastructures qui constituent un prérequis essentiel au renforcement de l'intégration économique du continent, ont indiqué lundi plusieurs experts.
3 December 2018
Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) et la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) ont salué le rôle joué par le Rwanda en tant que précurseur des efforts d’intégration en Afrique et souligné la nécessité urgente de poursuivre sur cette lancée pour une intégration inclusive et équitable.
3 December 2018
L’ambassade des Etats-Unis (USA) au Cameroun informe que le département américain en charge de l'Agriculture vient d’octroyer au Cameroun une subvention d’un montant de 27 millions $ (environ 15 milliards FCFA), dans le cadre d’un programme lié à la nutrition et à l'alphabétisation dans quatre régions du pays.
3 December 2018
A draft report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) titled, “Attracting Institutional Investors in Africa’s Infrastructure,” has undergone a thorough review by experts from wide-ranging sectors, including infrastructure, finance, stock exchange, academia, investment, and legal, among others.
3 December 2018
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has invited private sector investors to invest in transboundary projects throughout Africa.
3 December 2018
« Intégration régionale et continentale au développement de l’Afrique ». C’est le thème de la Conférence économique africaine 2018 qui va se tenir à Kigali
3 December 2018
L’édition 2018 de la Conférence économique africaine s’est ouverte, lundi, à l’Hôtel Marriott à Kigali au Rwanda avec quelque 300 participants, notamment des universitaires, représentants gouvernementaux et praticiens du développement du monde entier.
2 December 2018
2 December 2018
30 November 2018
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Thursday stressed that the major outcomes of the just concluded fourth Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) Week have created a new momentum toward the implementation of game-changing infrastructure projects in Africa.
29 November 2018
UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Executive Secretary Vera Songwe has urged African countries to sign the protocol of the African Union (AU) on free movement of persons and goods.
29 November 2018
Addressing Africa's infrastructure gap remains an imperative that African governments should continue to take seriously if the continent is to realise the aspirations its people as enshrined in the continent's blueprint for development, Agenda 2063 and the global agenda for sustainable development.
29 November 2018
Life expectancy for Kenyans and Rwandans has increased by 8.5 years while the average life expectancy in East African region by 5.3 years over the past decade, this is according to data released by the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa.
29 November 2018
Economic Commission for Africa has urged African countries to sign the Luxembourg protocol, which was adopted in 2007. The commission says this would create a new global legal regime for securing credits, facilitating more and cheaper asset-based financing of railway equipment without state support.
29 November 2018
In her remarks during the Leaders Commitment Segment of the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference on 26 November in Nairobi, Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), pledged ECA’s continued readiness to “help Member States in developing their national Blue Economy strategies.”
29 November 2018
Il est nécessaire de prendre au sérieux les solutions visant à combler les lacunes en infrastructures en Afrique si l’on veut que l’Afrique puisse réaliser les aspirations de sa population telles qu’elles sont inscrites dans le programme de développement du continent, l’Agenda 2063 et l’Agenda mondial pour le développement durable. Telle est la conclusion établie par les ministres et des délégués...
29 November 2018
Addressing Africa’s infrastructure gap remains an imperative that African governments should continue to take seriously if the continent is to realise the aspirations its people as enshrined in the continent’s blueprint for development, Agenda 2063 and the global agenda for sustainable development.
29 November 2018
A senior adviser on regional integration and trade at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), has urged African private sector to invest in transboundary projects.
