ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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10 December 2018
The African Continental Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), if fully implemented, will not only give a substantial boost to Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) but also help expand the freedoms of the continent’s citizens, the majority of whom have never been outside their countries of origin, says a top Economic Commission for Africa official.
10 December 2018
A truly successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement cannot be achieved without the “people dimension,” ensuring that the integration process does not lead to widening inequalities or exclusion.
10 December 2018
WORDS such as accountability, transparency, integrity and equity are enshrined in the goals and objectives of many government, non-governmental and international organisations’ strategic plans. They are spoken by leaders at international, regional and local fora, often to express the steps required to achieve the set aspirations for achievement of set goals. But are they always upheld?
9 December 2018
At the start of her participation in the Intergovernmental Conference for Migration that is being held in Marrakech, Morocco, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary addressed the global agreement’s relevance from a regional perspective.
9 December 2018
« L’intégration économique est un facteur décisif pour la réalisation d’un développement durable et inclusif », telle est la principale conclusion de la Conférence économique africaine 2018 (AEC 2018), qui a clôturé ses travaux vendredi 7 décembre 2018 à Kigali, au Rwanda.
7 December 2018
A recent warning by the IMF about rising debt levels in low-income countries has raised questions about the extent to which debt distress is due to lending by China.
7 December 2018
L’intégration économique est une perspective capable de changer réellement la donne. Les pays africains doivent se saisir de cette opportunité et l’exploiter pleinement afin de parvenir à un développement durable et inclusif susceptible de réduire la pauvreté multidimensionnelle, en particulier chez les femmes et les jeunes. Telle est la principale conclusion de la Conférence économique africaine...
7 December 2018
L’intégration économique est une perspective capable de changer réellement la donne. Les pays africains doivent se saisir de cette opportunité et l’exploiter pleinement afin de parvenir à un développement durable et inclusif susceptible de réduire la pauvreté multidimensionnelle, en particulier chez les femmes et les jeunes. Telle est la principale conclusion de la Conférence économique africaine...
6 December 2018
Participants at the 13th African Economic Conference have called for African countries to leverage the full range of their strengths and resources to accelerate the region's drive towards continental integration.
6 December 2018
New Africa’s Sustainable Development report calls for improved urban management to better sustain the growing populations and reduce the implications this growth will have on the environment.
6 December 2018
The latest report on Africa’s sustainable development urges governments to strengthen their urban planning capacities to manage the potential of the region’s ever-expanding cities and address environmental challenges including climate change, droughts and floods.
6 December 2018
There is urgent need to effectively manage Africa's diverse natural resources, according to a new report published by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
6 December 2018
“Economic integration is a game-changing reality and African countries must fully embrace it to achieve sustainable and inclusive development that reduce poverty and inequality in all its dimensions.” This is the main conclusion of the 2018 African Economic Conference (AEC), which closed Thursday in Kigali, Rwanda.
6 December 2018
Le Groupe de haut niveau sur les migrations (HLPM), la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) et la Commission de l'Union Africaine tiendront une rencontre conjointe sous le thème « Synergies entre le Groupe de haut niveau sur les migrations et le Pacte Mondial pour la migration » le samedi 8 décembre à Marrakech (Royaume du Maroc), en marge de la Conférence intergouvernementale...
6 December 2018
The High-Level Panel on Migration in Africa (HLPM), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union Commission (AUC), will jointly convene a side event under the theme: "Synergies between the High Level Panel on Migration and the Global Compact on Migration" on Saturday 8 December in Marrakech (Kingdom of Morocco), in the run up to the Intergovernmental Conference to...
6 December 2018
Kenya’s President, Uhuru Kenyatta, launched the Huduma Halisi Public Service Campaign at the Ndumberi Grounds, Kiambu County. The event was organized as part of a wider Ministry of Public Services, Youth and Gender Affairs Outreach Programme.
6 December 2018
The fifth edition of the African Governance Report (AGR-V) recently launched in Kigali Rwanda has examined efforts made to improve the governance of Africa’s abundant natural resources.
6 December 2018
Rwanda hosted over 700 experts from Africa and the world at the annual African Economic Conference (AEC) held in Kigali to discuss ways to fast-track African infrastructure integration and the removal of barriers for free movement of people, goods and services across borders.
6 December 2018
The fifth edition of the African Governance Report (AGR-V) recently launched in Kigali Rwanda has examined efforts made to improve the governance of Africa’s abundant natural resources.
6 December 2018
Parallèlement à la logique d'intégration économique, le continent travaille à plus de facilités dans la mobilité intra-africaine de ses populations. Toutes les régions ne sont cependant pas logées à la même enseigne.
6 December 2018
Kenya’s President, Uhuru Kenyatta, launched the Huduma Halisi Public Service Campaign at the Ndumberi Grounds, Kiambu County. The event was organized as part of a wider Ministry of Public Services, Youth and Gender Affairs Outreach Programme.
5 December 2018
For millions of ordinary travellers, inter-African travel is still too often a nightmare. Be it border hassles, lack of road or air routes linking key cities, or the frustrations of being refused entry to a country because of visas, the end result is to curtail the free movement of people, viewed by the African Development Bank ( as one of the pillars of regional integration.
