Day 3 - Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
9:00 – 11:00 Concurrent Session 3 (Research Paper Presentations)
Session 3.1: Financing Africa’s development – session 1
Room: Caucus Room 11
Chair: Radhika Lal, UNDP
Paper Presenters:
• Financial literacy and household investment choices in Uganda. Fred Kasalirwe, Makerere University, Uganda and Razack Lokina, University of Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Discussant: Allan Mukungu, ECA
• Finance and firm productivity in Africa. [PPT ] Grace Onubedo, Centre for the Study of the Economics of Africa, Nigeria
Discussant: Lucas Monge Roffarello, UNDP
• Economic growth and FDI nexus does democracy matter. [ PPT ] Moheeldenn Atif, United Arab Emirates
Discussant: Habiba Ben Barka, ECA
• Impact of Community-Based Health Insurance on Child Health Outcomes? Evidence on Stunting from Rural Uganda.[PPT - PDF
] Emmanuel Nshakinda Rukundo and Nicholas Gerber, University of Bonn, Germany
Discussant: Xuan Che, ECA
Session 3.2: Financing Africa’s development – session 2 – tax and illicit financial flows
Room: Conference Room 3
Chair: Ernest Bamou, UNDP
Paper Presenters:
• Corruption, illicit financial flows and political stability. Emmanuel Orkoh, Carike Claassen and Derick Blaauw, North-West University, South Africa
Dicsussant: Ibrahima Aidara, Open Society Initiative West Africa
• Determinants of Tax Revenue in Ethiopia (Johansen Co-Integration Approach) Workineh Ayenew Mossie, Wachemo University, Ethiopia
Discussant: Fitsum Abraha, UNDP
• Does the Implementation of Tax-Related Reforms and Institutions-Related Reforms Offer Scope for Sustained Tax Revenue Mobilization in Senegal? [PPT ] Ameth Saloum Ndiaye, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Discussant: William Lochi, European University Institute
Session 3.3: Financing Africa’s development – session 3 – remittances and natural resources
Room: Conference Room 5
Chair: Bartholomew Armah, Chief, Renewal of Planning Section, ECA
Paper Presenters:
• Impact of remittances on food consumption and nutrition. [PPT ] Rapahel Olanrewaju Babatunde, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Discussant: Becaye Diarra, UNDP
• Remittances, institutional quality and economic growth in SSA. [ PPT ] Taiwo Ojapinwa, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Discussant: Wilmot Reeves, UNDP
• Africa’s financial development exploring the role of natural resources. Abiodun Adewale Adegboye and Fisayo Fagbemi, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Discussant: Prof. Malcolm Sawyer, University of Leeds, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Session 3.4: Inclusive governance of natural resources as a driver of structural transformation
Room: Conference Room 6
Chair: Francis Ikome, Chief, Governance and Public Sector Management Section, ECA
Paper Presenters:
• Impact on oil exploitation on wellbeing in Chad. [ PPT ] Gadom Djal Gadom, University of N’Djamena, Chad, Armand Mboutchouang Kountchou, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon and Abdelkrim Araar, Université Laval, Canada
Discussant: Kevin Lumbila, AfDB
• Governance in the mineral dependent economy. Ita Mary Mannathoko, Formerly Senior Economist, Adviser to the Executive Director, IMF, Botswana
Discussant: Yao Graham, Third World Network – Africa
• Energy sector governance and cost reflective pricing. Obindah Gershon, Covenant University and Alex Ezurum, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Discussant: Frederick Mugisha, UNDP
11:00 – 11:30 Tea / coffee break
13 11:30 - 13:00 Plenary Session 5: Institutions, Competitiveness, and Industrial Policy in the age of Global Value Chains: Lesson from China (AfDB)
This session focuses on how China’s industrial development model can provide inspiration to Africa, which has faced major constraints to the growth of its industrial sector. A systematic overview of China’s industrial development mechanisms will highlight how the interplay of well-designed institutions, sound competitiveness, and industrial policy has been decisive in ensuring China’s formidable advances. The institutional framework for innovation policymaking has been instrumental in formulating a broad spectrum of support, and associated legislation at the macro and State Council levels. This framework enables definition of innovation policies, covering a wide spectrum of R&Drelated activities. These, complemented with other policy instruments such as regulation of markets, taxation, and infrastructural development, have played a critical role in remedying market failures, building innovation networks, creating a fertile innovation environment, and improving innovation capacity. At the same time, China adopted an export-oriented strategy that has encouraged private and overseas investment in labor-intensive manufacturing.
Room: Conference Room 2
Session chair: • Dr. Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI-Addis Ababa
• Prof. Fang Xia, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
• Prof. Zhongxiu Zhao, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
• Dr. Bart Minten, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
• Prof. Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University, Beijing, China and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
13:00-14:00 Presentation of the Best Paper Award
Room: Conference Room 2
Presentation by ECA
Closing remarks
• AfDB
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch