Social Policy for Development Planners

There has, of recent, been a greater investment of attention in social policy and the role which it could play in national and regional development in Africa. This increased attention has been manifested at different levels of decision-making and in different forms, including through the adoption, in November 2008, of a pan-African Social Policy Framework (SPF) by African ministers.


The beginning of the course on macroeconomic modeling for planners at IDEP

 "modeling as a tool to help the decision"

The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) regularly offers in its portfolio of traditional training courses to meet the needs of African States members of the United Nations.

As well, this May 7, 2018, IDEP has proceeded to the launch of the course on "the macroeconomic modeling for development planners."


Policy makers benefit from IDEP course on trade policy and regional development

Dakar, 18 April 2018 (ECA) - The development of Africa requires the implementation of appropriate economic policies, including trade policies.

A clear vision and an appropriate implementation agenda are particularly important as the continent needs to build capacity to make the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) effective following its launch at the Kigali African Union Summit in March.


Agricultural Policy in Africa

The course aims at providing training on agricultural policy with a view to strengthening and/or renewing the knowledge and capacity of African policy makers, including senior managers, negotiators, advisors, planners and analysts, to meet the core challenges of growing the agricultural sector as a central engine of national economic development and social policy


