African Minerals Development Centre

Senior African civil servants benefit from minerals contracts and negotiations course

Dakar, Senegal, 15 September 2017 (IDEP) – The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) recently brought together 30 senior government officials from 24 African countries in a course to help hone their skills on minerals contracts and negotiations.

The course was organized jointly with the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), a regional organization operating in 10 countries in West Africa.


Work on the framing of minerals classification system in Africa begins

Cairo, 5 October 2017 (ECA) – A pioneering initiative leading towards a framework for mineral resource classification in Africa had a kick-off meeting on Monday, 2 October 2017—starting a weeklong series of deliberations of African geological experts and classification specialists.

Organized by the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), the workshop looks into adapting the United Nations Frameworks Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources (UNFC 2009) system based on the tenets of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV).


Draft Action Plan for Implementing the AMV

The African Mining Vision (AMV) was developed by Africa’s Ministers responsible for Mineral Resources at their conference in Addis Ababa in October 2008, with the ultimate objective that Africa’s mineral resources must be used to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eradicate poverty, and achieve rapid and broad-based socio-economic. The AU Heads of State and government, at their assembly in Addis in February 2009, welcomed the AMV and requested the “AU Ministers in charge of Mineral Resources Development to develop a concrete action plan for its realisation”.

Building Capacity for Environmental Sustainability in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining in Africa

The meeting ran for three days with the fist two days dedicated to exchange on artisanal and smallscale mining frameworks and evidence-based decision making in the countries. This was done by sharing country experiences on tools, case studies and best practices in order to identify gaps and opportunities for the development of Country Mining Visions that respond to the Sustainable Development Goals. The third day focused on discussing knowledge management for ASM and discussing concrete ways forward between countries, international partners and stakeholders.

Development of an African mineral resource classification system now underway

Addis Ababa, 19 September 2017 (ECA) – A pioneering initiative to set up an African Mineral Resource Classification (AMREC) system based on the United Nations Frameworks Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources (UNFC) is now underway. Spearheaded by the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), AMREC is the continental framework that will harmonize, adapt, and develop the UNFC according to the principles of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV).


Concept Note

The UNFC is a universally acceptable and internationally applicable scheme for the classification and reporting of fossil energy and mineral reserves and resources and is currently the only classification in the including markets and government framework conditions, technological and industrial maturity and the ever present uncertainties. It provides a single framework on which to build international energy and mineral studies, analyze government resource management policies, plan industrial processes and allocate capital efficiently.

Concept Note

The UNFC is a universally acceptable and internationally applicable scheme for the classification and reporting of fossil energy and mineral reserves and resources and is currently the only classification in the including markets and government framework conditions, technological and industrial maturity and the ever present uncertainties. It provides a single framework on which to build international energy and mineral studies, analyze government resource management policies, plan industrial processes and allocate capital efficiently.

Workshop on African Mineral Resource Classification

A pioneering initiative to set up an African Mineral Resource Classification (AMREC) system based on the United Nations Frameworks Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources (UNFC) is now underway. Spearheaded by the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), AMREC is the continental framework that will harmonize, adapt, and develop the UNFC according to the principles of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV).

