Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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29 October 2013
Thomson Reuters Foundation
ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - African nations are entitled to a fair share of financial and other assistance from the developed world to help them cope with climate change, but they should also take the initiative to green their own economies and use land more sustainably and productively, experts told a conference on climate change and development in Ethiopia this month.
29 October 2013
Em 2 de novembro de 2003, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva iniciava sua primeira visita presidencial à África, na viagem que marcou o início da mais importante aproximação do Brasil com o continente. Dez anos depois, nunca a presença brasileira na África foi tão forte. Por um lado, lideranças africanas cobram que o Brasil faça mais pelo continente e empresários brasileiros consideram que os laços...
28 October 2013
African Geopolitics
The rationale for much of the current discourse of the “African Moment” and “Africa Rising” is clear. Some of the fastest growing economies in the world are African. Africa has shown relative buoyancy in an era of economic crisis. While global growth declined by 2.7% last year, Africa bucked the trend and grew at 5%. Notably, all our sub-regions grew faster than the global average, with the...
25 October 2013
Ghana Business News
Dr Carlos Lopes, United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has challenged Africans to give substance to the meaning of Pan-Africanism by ensuring solidarity for their self-reliance efforts.
25 October 2013
Ghana Business News
Ghana is considered one of the economic powers in Africa in recent times since the country started commercial oil production in 2010.
24 October 2013
Journal gratiuto @verdade
África é o continente menos poluído do mundo, mas paga um pesado tributo devido aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas que correm o risco de paralisar todas as áreas do desenvolvimento se nada for feito para melhorar os dados actuais. Esta constatação foi feita pelos participantes – decisores, peritos, cientistas, representantes de ONG ou parceiros técnicos – na 3ª Conferência sobre Mudanças...
24 October 2013
Ghana News Agency
Accra, Oct 24, GNA - Dr Carlos Lopes, United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has challenged Africans to give substance to the meaning of Pan-Africanism by ensuring solidarity for their self-reliance efforts.
24 October 2013
Ghana Business News
Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Mr Carlos Lopes has arrived in Ghana to begin a two-day official visit.
23 October 2013
The UN Economic Commission for Africa boss, Mr. Carlos Lopes, has called on Africa to go beyond global negotiations on climate change in their current format and seek solutions that effectively address African concerns on global warming.
23 October 2013
Africa Research Institute
In his opening remarks at the OECD Africa Forum in Paris on October 7, Angel Gurría – the organisation’s Secretary-General – cited a number of statistics which attest to “remarkable dynamism” in many African economies over the past decade. As one would expect from a realist, Gurría also flagged widening inequality, the “ticking time bomb” that is youth unemployment on the continent and the fact...
23 October 2013
Development Africa
ECA has proposed a six point-strategy for an African climate development policy to position and influence climate change negotiations and outcomes at the upcoming Conference of Parties (COP19) in Poland.
23 October 2013
ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA — The Third Annual Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III) kicked off here, against a background of growing sense of urgency to respond to the impact of climate change.
22 October 2013
News Afrique Informations
Vulnerable groups forgotten in climate change debate' - Ahead of next month's UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland, the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) has expressed concern that the conditions of vulnerable groups are often forgotten in the midst of the debate, as discussions focus on semantics, markets, rights and other issues.
22 October 2013
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Oct. 21 -- The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa issued the following news: The UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes, has called on Africa to go beyond global negotiations on climate change in their current format and seek solutions that effectively address African concerns on global warming.
22 October 2013
NAM new Network
ADDIS ABABA, Oct 22 (NNN-ERTA) -- The 3rd Annual Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III) has opened in Addis Ababa with United Nations UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA), Carlos Lopes warning of an alarming rate of warming across the continent being predicted.
22 October 2013
Encontro avalia como reduzir a vulnerabilidade e promover o desenvolvimento sustentável; União Africana e Organização Meteorológica Mundial coorganizam evento paralelo.
21 October 2013
This year Africa celebrates 50 years since the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU); never before has the continent been so poised to reap the benefit of its enormous resources. Sweeping political and economic changes over half a century have reformed global power structures, reconfigured international relations and led to serious rethinking of development paradigms.
21 October 2013
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The Third Annual Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III) kicked off in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Monday against a background of growing sense of urgency to respond to the impacts of climate change.
21 October 2013
African Qira'at
Carlos Lopes, the executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), often talks about Toblerone, the famous chocolate bar manufactured in Switzerland by Kraft Foods, an $18 billion company. Cocoa for Toblerone bars is imported, probably from Africa, where 70 percent of the world's cocoa is harvested.
20 October 2013
Financial Afrik
This year Africa celebrates fifty years since the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU); never before has the continent been so poised to reap the benefit of its enormous resources. Sweeping political and economic changes over half a century have reformed global power structures, reconfigured international relations and led to serious rethinking of development paradigms.
