Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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Featured Articles

9 November 2013
The East African
Africa’s political economy is deeply ingrained with the history of the exploitation and (mis)management of its mineral and natural resources.
8 November 2013
It is my pleasure to join you as the Africa Media Leaders Forum 2013 meeting winds to a close, to discuss the conditions for a conducive media environment in the continent. I am sure that over the past two days, the fruitful discussions you had will contribute to enriching Africa’s media landscape.
8 November 2013
Jornal de Angola online
O secretário-executivo da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para África (UNECA), Carlos Lopes, realçou que o continente pode ser líder em três sectores: energia, agricultura e indústria.
8 November 2013
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — THE African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF) opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, yesterday amid controversy caused by the arrest of journalists by the host government.
8 November 2013
Revista Lusofonia
O terceiro maior continente do mundo abrigará a população economicamente ativa mais jovem do planeta em 2040 e, em 20 anos, a população africana alcançará 2 bilhões de pessoas (o dobro do número atual), segundo o secretário executivo da Comissão Econômica para África, Carlos Lopes
8 November 2013
Allana Potash Blog
Addressing Ministers at the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa has urged Ministers to be guided by a moral compass of ensuring the “greatest good for the greatest number.”
8 November 2013
TradeMark Southern Africa
Africa's political leaders have taken bold steps to strengthen and promote production and competitiveness that would normally accelerate the momentum for regional integration.
8 November 2013
UOL Noticias
Carlos Lopes afirma que continente "tem ao seu alcance capacidade, pessoas, recursos e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento sustentável"; reunião da Comissão Económica para África decorreu na Etiópia. Leda Letra, da Rádio ONU em Nova Iorque.* O secretário-executivo da Comissão Económica da ONU para África,Uneca, ressaltou que o continente pode ser líder em três setores: energia, [...]
6 November 2013
The African Media Initiative's three day 6th African Media Leaders' Forum started today (November 6) in Addis Ababa under the theme: "The African Media in the last 50 years and the future."
6 November 2013
It is striking to note that, since its inception, UNITAR has been headed by outstanding personalities originally from West Africa, with the exception of Mr. Marcel A. Boisard who has a long-standing professional experience on the African continent and the Middle East. The creation of UNITAR, which followed a spectacular wave of decolonization, and the objectives assigned to the Institute explain...
6 November 2013
The African Executive
If we go back in history we all remember the time when the black-death plague killed so many people that must have thought it was the end of their world. Important civilizations died without clear explanations for their sudden faith. The black-death was particularly acute in Europe, spreading poverty and decimating livelihoods. What came next though was spectacular transformation because less...
6 November 2013
Welcome Remarks Vice President Abou-Sabaa, OSVP On Behalf of Dr. Donald Kaberuka President of the African Development Bank
6 November 2013
Radio Onu
Carlos Lopes afirma que continente "tem ao seu alcance capacidade, pessoas, recursos e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento sustentável"; reunião da Comissão Económica para África decorreu na Etiópia.
5 November 2013
How we made it in Africa
5 November 2013
Addis Ababa: November 5, 2013 (FBC) The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development said on Monday stakeholders have to strengthen their effort to garner international support for the achievement of Africa’s sustainable development goals.
4 November 2013
Development Diaries
Addis Ababa — African nations are entitled to a fair share of financial and other assistance from the developed world to help them cope with climate change, but they should also take the initiative to green their own economies and use land more sustainably and productively, experts told a conference on climate change and development in Ethiopia this month.
4 November 2013
Stock exchange 4-Traders
Addis Ababa, 04 November 2013 (ECA) - Addressing Ministers at the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa has urged Ministers to be guided by a moral compass of ensuring the "greatest good for the greatest number."
4 November 2013
Atlanta Black Star
The African Media Initiative announced on Saturday that the sixth African Media Leaders Forum, under the theme ”African media in the last 50 years and the future” will be held this month in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
1 November 2013
Essabra's stories
Africa’s political economy is deeply affected by its history of exploitation and (mis)management of its mineral and natural resources.
31 October 2013
Em 2 de novembro de 2003, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva iniciava sua primeira visita presidencial à África, na viagem que marcou o início da mais importante aproximação do Brasil com o continente. Dez anos depois, nunca a presença brasileira na África foi tão forte. Por um lado, lideranças africanas cobram que o Brasil faça mais pelo continente e empresários brasileiros consideram que os laços...
