News coverage
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4 October 2013
Montreux, Geneva — Addressing African negotiators at a high-level retreat taking place in Montreux from 3-4 October, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Mr. Carlos Lopes stressed that in tackling multilateral negotiations, they must keep in mind that Africa's transformative agenda rests on the premises of structural transformation and deeper regional integration.
4 October 2013
La conférence régionale sur la population et le développement a entamé le dernier virage, hier jeudi 3 octobre 2013, à Addis-Abeba, avec le début de la rencontre de 48h des ministres africains en charge de ces questions. Les ministres vont examiner un projet de déclaration, à eux soumis par les experts, sur ce que doit être l’Afrique de demain.
3 October 2013
The Nigerian Voice
Interview with Carlos Lopes, executive secretary, Economic Commission for Africa It's been a year since Carlos Lopes was appointed UN under-secretary-general and executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As the head of ECA, he is in charge of promoting the economic and social development of Africa and fostering regional integration. In...
1 October 2013
The Ethiopian Herald
Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA made a statement in which he highlighted a number of notable changes that have lifted Africa out of an “era of Afro-pessimism to a new era of Afro-enthusiasm, stating that from being unflatteringly described only a few years earlier as an open sore on the conscience of humanity, and as the hopeless continent.
30 September 2013
The Africa Report
As Africa's economic growth continues, there are growing calls for commodity-based industrialisation. But what are the potentials and challenges of this approach? Carlos Lopes, the executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), often talks about Toblerone, the famous chocolate bar manufactured in Switzerland by Kraft Foods, an $18 billion company. Cocoa for...
28 September 2013
The Herald
Zimbabwe will host the first International Conference on Tax in Africa of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) in Victoria Falls from September 23 to September 27. The conference, which is being hosted by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, will run under the theme “African Perspectives and Challenges in Taxation of Natural Resources and the Extractive Industry”.
25 September 2013
How we made it in Africa
One only needs to pick up a magazine or leading newspaper to read about innovations that are sweeping across Africa. From M-Pesa, a mobile money transfer service invented in Kenya that has revolutionised African banking practices, to South Africa hosting the Square Kilometre Array, the world’s largest and most powerful radio telescope ever constructed. This is quite different from common...
25 September 2013
United Nations General Assembly 68th Session
As our able Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) aptly put it, "what Africa needs is structural transformation and not structural adjustment". The development agenda that we are trying to set for Africa over the next 50 years is also aimed at achieving this fundamental objective with a view to eradicating poverty and ensuring sustainable...
24 September 2013
Ultimo segundo
ornalista estreia a série Presidentes Africanos nesta quarta-feira, às 18h30, no canal Discovery Civilization "Você vai conhecer uma nova África que está surgindo", diz o jornalista Franklin Martins no episódio de abertura da série "Presidentes Africanos" que o canal Discovery Civilization começa a exibir nesta quarta-feira, às 18h30. A frase dá o tom dos 15 programas em que...
23 September 2013
Carlos Lopes reeleito Presidente do Conselho Geral do ISCTE-IUL. O economista e sociólogo guineense Carlos Lopes foi reeleito Presidente Conselho Geral do ISCTE-IUL. O Conselho Geral é o órgão ao qual cabe a definição do desenvolvimento estratégico e a supervisão da instituição, composto por professores, alunos, funcionários e personalidades externas de reconhecido mérito.
17 September 2013
Globe Magazine -Graduate Institute of Geneva - Autumn 2013
With a remarkable history of mediation and humanitarian action Geneva is the most recognisable symbol of Swiss international identity as a neutral centre of excellence. This reputation has served the country and the world well, but it is no longer enough to maintain Geneva as the prime global governance locus.
8 September 2013
The Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mr. Carlos Lopes, has said that the continent could measure up with its human resource training to offer technical skills, as a continent capable of reinventing itself.DigitalSENSE Business Newsgathered that Lopes noted that this promote linkages between businesses and educational institutes, which he described as...
6 September 2013
How we made it in Africa
Africa, over the past 20 years, has moved from a position of Afro pessimism through Afro optimism to a state of Afro enthusiasm. In Africa, we all like it but we should also ask why the narrative has changed so drastically? Is the new narrative coming from Africa? Partly, yes. However, most of what we hear is still an outside view and for good reason. The one who controls the information controls...
5 September 2013
News Afrique Informations: PANA
UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) - Africa's negative portrayal as “a risky continent in which to do business” must be tackled, Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), told a high-level roundtable on ‘Building Private Equity and Private Capital Markets in Africa'.
5 September 2013
Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da EAESP
Decorrido mais de um ano da realização da Rio+20 (Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) no Rio de Janeiro, uma de suas discussões mais relevantes segue ainda na pauta da sociedade: o engajamento e o posicionamento da iniciativa privada na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. No lotado Teatro Geo, no Instituto Tomie Ohtake, em São Paulo, os participantes da...
5 September 2013
Mercado Ético
Decorrido mais de um ano da realização da Rio+20 (Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) no Rio de Janeiro, uma de suas discussões mais relevantes segue ainda na pauta da sociedade: o engajamento e o posicionamento da iniciativa privada na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável.
5 September 2013
Radar RIO+20
Decorrido mais de um ano da realização da Rio+20 (Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) no Rio de Janeiro, uma de suas discussões mais relevantes segue ainda na pauta da sociedade: o engajamento e o posicionamento da iniciativa privada na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável.
4 September 2013
GREAT Insights, Volume 2, Issue 6. September 2013.
How can African countries capitalise on the current geopolitical changes? In the new landscape of multipolar partnerships, Africa needs a coherent strategy so that its development is not compromised by competition amongst potential partners.
4 September 2013
Decorrido mais de um ano da realização da Rio+20 (Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) no Rio de Janeiro, uma de suas discussões mais relevantes segue ainda na pauta da sociedade: o engajamento e o posicionamento da iniciativa privada na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. No lotado Teatro Geo, no Instituto Tomie Ohtake, em São Paulo, os participantes da...
4 September 2013
Instituto Ethos
Decorrido mais de um ano da realização da Rio+20 (Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) no Rio de Janeiro, uma de suas discussões mais relevantes segue ainda na pauta da sociedade: o engajamento e o posicionamento da iniciativa privada na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. No lotado Teatro Geo, no Instituto Tomie Ohtake, em São Paulo, os participantes da...