ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

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31 March 2020
African finance ministers have appealed for a $100 billion bailout package from international lenders to cushion their economies from effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has put the entire continent in virtual lockdown.
31 March 2020
Le Cameroun compte pour l’instant une demi-dizaine de cas confirmés de Coronavirus sur son territoire. Mais même si on en reste-là, l’économie du pays sera durement plus atteinte par le virus. C’est ce qui ressort de l’analyse de l’impact potentiel de cette pandémie sur les économies d’Afrique centrale réalisée par le bureau sous régional de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’...
31 March 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique souligne les défis que posent des mesures telles que la distanciation sociale et le lavage des mains dans la région ; la suspension des paiements d’intérêts sur les dettes nationales est l’un des moyens dont dispose le monde développé pour soutenir ces nations contre le Covid-19.
31 March 2020
Faced with the threat of losing at least two to three percent of gross domestic product this year due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, African leaders have tendered a comprehensive request to the international financial community which among others includes an appeal for a $100 billion bailout package.
31 March 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Communications Group last week handed over to the Government of Ethiopia, awareness materials to ensure ordinary citizens have access to timely and accurate information in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
31 March 2020
La Unión Africana (UA) informó hoy que en el continente se registra un total de cinco mil 255 casos de COVID-19 y, aunque en siete países de la región aún no hay contagios, la situación por la pandemia se agrava por los conflictos armados de algunas naciones.
31 March 2020
L’épidémie mondiale de coronavirus qui se propage rapidement dans le monde entier menace de nombreuses activités économiques. La production industrielle chute lamentablement plongeant l’économie mondiale dans une récession sans précédent.
30 March 2020
As the July 2020 proposed take off of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) draws closer, economic and trade analysts have listed some steps that should be taken by governments on the continent to ensure successful take-off of the pact in the face of COVID-19 disruptions in most economies.
30 March 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique souligne les défis que posent des mesures telles que la distanciation sociale et le lavage des mains dans la région ; la suspension des paiements d’intérêts sur les dettes nationales est l’un des moyens dont dispose le monde développé pour soutenir ces nations contre le Covid-19.
30 March 2020
En Afrique, le compte à rebours a commencé. D’ici deux à trois semaines le coronavirus pourrait durement frapper l’ensemble du continent a annoncé Vera Songwe, la directrice de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique des Nations unies. Quelles pistes pour stopper cette pandémie mortelle et en limiter les conséquences économiques ?
30 March 2020
Un montant de 100 milliards de dollars, c’est le nouveau financement annoncé par le Groupe des 20 (G-20) pour soutenir les pays africains face au Covid-19.
30 March 2020
Las crisis funcionan para hacer evaluaciones y la pandemia del coronavirus nos ha reafirmado lo muy occidentalizado que está nuestro mundo. Es evidente: el cine que vemos, las marcas que consumimos, el tipo de comida con la que nos alimentamos, los lenguajes que usamos para comunicarnos, la filosofía que estudiamos; pero hoy, ante la emergencia, resaltan los que olvidamos, los que «importan menos...
30 March 2020
Africa is two to three weeks away from the worst of the coronavirus storm and needs an emergency economic stimulus of $100 billion to bolster preventative measures and support its fragile healthcare systems, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
30 March 2020
Africa is two to three weeks away from the worst of the coronavirus storm and needs an emergency economic stimulus of $100 billion to bolster preventative measures and support its fragile healthcare systems, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
30 March 2020
Africa is two to three weeks away from the worst of the coronavirus storm and needs an emergency economic stimulus of $100 billion to bolster preventative measures and support its fragile healthcare systems, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
30 March 2020
Entering Africa through people traveling from Europe to the continent, coronavirus appeared in 46 African countries, excluding Burundi, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Comoros and South Sudan.
30 March 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Communications Group last week handed over to the Government of Ethiopia, awareness materials to ensure ordinary citizens have access to timely and accurate information in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
30 March 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Communications Group last week handed over to the Government of Ethiopia, awareness materials to ensure ordinary citizens have access to timely and accurate information in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
30 March 2020
Necesita un estímulo económico de emergencia de 100.000 millones de dólares que le permita adoptar medidas de prevención y apoyar a los frágiles sistemas de salud de los países del continente.
30 March 2020
Pour ce pays d'Afrique du Nord, la situation est plus que délicate, comme l'a démontré la série de mesures prises par le gouvernement la semaine dernière pour réduire de près de 30% les dépenses de fonctionnement prévisionnelles, sans même attendre la loi de finances rectificative prévue en juin prochain.
30 March 2020
The United Nations Development Programme has issued a call to action from the international community to assist developing countries with the enormous fallout they are expected to face due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
30 March 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) that has so far claimed over 14,500 lives globally as of 23 March has strengthened the case for intra-African regional value chains and trade, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
30 March 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) warned that measures being taken in Asia, Europe and North America such as social distancing and regular hand washing will be a particular challenge for countries with limited internet connectivity, dense populations, unequal access to water and limited social safety nets.
30 March 2020
Kenya is entering a decisive phase this week that would test the effectiveness of the government's measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
