ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

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26 March 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats. So, when world leaders meet virtually as the G20 today to plan humanity’s global COVID-19 fightback, it is in the interest of us all that Africa sits centrally within that strategy – central to the global health response, as well as the economic and jobs...
26 March 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats.
26 March 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on Thursday urged the Group of Twenty (G20) to offer immediate health and human response, and immediate emergency economic stimulus to African countries in their efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
26 March 2020
As the coronavirus pandemic threatens to overwhelm the health services of even the world’s richest nations, reports of a growing number of infections in Africa has triggered fears of a new global epicentre.
26 March 2020
El director de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expresó que “el mejor consejo para África es prepararse para lo peor y prepararse para ello hoy”.
26 March 2020
A l’issue de la réunion par vidéo conférence des ministres africains des Finances sur les impacts du nouveau coronavirus sur les économies des pays du Continent, Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), a adressé un courrier aux dirigeants du Fonds Monétaire International, de la Banque Mondiale et de la Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE).
26 March 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats. So, when world leaders meet virtually as the G20 today to plan humanity’s global COVID-19 fightback, it is in the interest of us all that Africa sits centrally within that strategy – central to the global health response, as well as the economic and jobs...
26 March 2020
Il s’agit d’une crise mondiale qui affecte le monde entier. L’Afrique, cependant, sera plus durement touchée par un bilan économique lourd et durable, qui menacera les progrès et les perspectives, creusera les inégalités entre les pays et à l’intérieur des pays et aggravera les fragilités actuelles.
26 March 2020
Reconnaissant l’impact que le COVID-19 a et aura sur les économies africaines, une conférence en ligne des ministres africains des finances a été organisée par la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, pour discuter de l’impact du COVID-19 sur le continent.
26 March 2020
Il s’agit d’une crise mondiale qui affecte le monde entier. L’Afrique, cependant, sera plus durement touchée par un bilan économique lourd et durable, qui menacera les progrès et les perspectives, creusera les inégalités entre les pays et à l’intérieur des pays et aggravera les fragilités actuelles.
26 March 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has proposed today three things the G20 must do to support Africa in the COVID-19 pandemic.
26 March 2020
This is a global crisis affecting the whole world. Africa, however, will be hit harder with a heavy and durable economic toll, which will threaten progress and prospects, widen inequalities between and within countries, and worsen current fragilities.
26 March 2020
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has called on the G20 to support African economies by reducing their debt and preparing a $150 billion emergency financial assistance plan.
26 March 2020
Africa needs an immediate emergency economic stimulus of $100 billion to combat the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and almost half of that could come from waiving interest payments for countries on the continent, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
26 March 2020
The IMF is stepping up to the task of providing debt relief to free up fiscal space for Africa’s poorest countries to fight Covid-19, as finance ministers say a full waiver on all public and private sector debt is essential.
26 March 2020
A recent report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) predicts a lean year for water resources in Morocco. Faced with the threat, the Moroccan government is releasing $12 billion, or more than 118 billion Moroccan dirhams, for water projects in the country.
26 March 2020
he drop in tourist activity in São Tomé and Príncipe, as a result of border closures and flight cancellations, is expected to lead to one of the biggest reductions in economic activity in Africa, according to estimates from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
26 March 2020
Pour la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique, le Groupe des vingt pays les plus avancés du monde devraient , à côté du soutien aux mesures sanitaires d'urgence, mettre en place un plan de relance économique immédiat en faveur des pays africains.
26 March 2020
La chute des cours du baril du pétrole, l’arrêt de l’économie nationale et des économies des grandes nations, à travers les mesures de confinement en cours, éprouveront cruellement l’économie gabonaise. Telle est la perspective sombre mais lucide qu’entrevoit Jean Gaspard Ntoutoume Ayi, non sans proposer des pistes de solutions.
26 March 2020
As the pandemic reaches the continent, countries from Morocco to Malawi are facing a health crisis and an economic shock.
25 March 2020
African countries have so far lost an estimated $29 billion to the coronavirus economic disruption, an amount equal to Uganda’s gross domestic product (GDP), according to UN estimates.
25 March 2020
Plusieurs Etats africains, frappés par le coronavirus, s'emploient à soutenir leurs économies afin de limiter l'effet dévastateur de la pandémie.
25 March 2020
Les économies africaines subissent de plein fouet les effets du coronavirus. Selon la CEA, la croissance du continent devrait chuter de moitié.
25 March 2020
Afrika är på väg att drabbas mycket hårt av effekterna av coronaviruset. Hittills uppskattas kontinenten ha förlorat motsvarande 300 miljarder kronor.
25 March 2020
According to a confidential briefing given to scores of senior African officials during a virtual meeting organised by the UN earlier this month, the novel coronavirus pandemic is projected to almost halve economic growth in Africa in 2020, generating a loss of some $29 billion.
