ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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8 November 2018
Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today wanted to better understand how ongoing arbitration proceedings preventing a final close-out of the paperwork surrounding the multi-billion-dollar renovation of the United Nations Headquarters will impact the project’s final cost.
7 November 2018
Africa’s food import bill may surge to $110 billion by 2025, going by the current import reliance trend.
7 November 2018
The acting director for the UNECA Eastern Africa office Andrew Mold spoke to Berna .... The UN Economic Commission on Africa will bring together policymakers and ... Our research work at ECA shows precisely that the envisaged increase in ...
7 November 2018
ALGIERS-Director of the North Africa Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Lilia Hachem on Tuesday expressed her willingness to enhance cooperation relations with a view to backing Algerian authorities’ efforts to promote employment, notably within youth.
7 November 2018
The Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will hold the 22nd Session of its Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) in Kigali, Rwanda on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 – Thursday, November 22, 2018.
7 November 2018
The report noted both Algeria and Morocco have included a significant number of SDGs, in their national environment and sustainable development strategies as well as their implementation frameworks. It highlighted, in particular, Morocco’s work to address food security and climate change.
7 November 2018
The 2018 Africa Trade Forum ended in Lagos, Nigeria, with delegates agreeing that while governments need to set a conducive environment through collective and coordinated actions for the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the private sector should to be the main driver of the AfCFTA.
7 November 2018
Delegates at the recently-concluded 2018 Africa Trade Forum held in Lagos have agreed that while governments need to set a conducive environment through collective and coordinated actions for the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the private sector should be the main driver of the policy.
7 November 2018
La Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), à travers son bureau sous régional pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, a tenu à Dakar, au Sénégal, avec les agences et programmes du Système des Nations Unies et les Communautés économiques régionales, la réunion annuelle du mécanisme de Coordination Sous régional (MCSR).En ligne de mire, doper la croissance et faire du Sahel une zone d’...
7 November 2018
Le Département du commerce et de l’industrie de la Commission de l’Union africaine en partenariat avec l’Agence du NEPAD, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDI), la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) et d’autres partenaires de développement clés organisera du 19 au 23 Novembre 2018 au siège de l’Union Africaine, la semaine de l’...
7 November 2018
Le premier Rapport sur la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable (Odd) au Maghreb a été lancé vendredi 2 novembre 2018 à Tunis par e Bureau de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique des Nations unies (Cea) en Afrique du Nord.
7 November 2018
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) has huge potential to move Africa to dizzy heights of development on the platform of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, says Nigeria’s Industry, Trade and Investment Minister, Mr. Okechukwu E. Enelamah. Nigeria is yet to ratify the AfCFTA.
7 November 2018
Le Département du commerce et de l'industrie de la Commission de l'Union africaine en partenariat avec l'Agence du NEPAD, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDI), la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA) et d'autres partenaires de développement clés organisera du 19 au 23 Novembre 2018 au siège de l'Union...
6 November 2018
ALGER - La Directrice du Bureau Afrique du Nord de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique de l'ONU (CEA), Lilia Hachem Naas a exprimé, mardi à Alger, sa volonté d'œuvrer au renforcement des relations de coopération susceptibles de consolider les efforts des autorités algériennes en matière de promotion de l'emploi, notamment chez les jeunes.
6 November 2018
Host to the Congo Basin – the world’s second forest expanse, Central Africa has to take advantage of the opportunities that the forest industry offers for the sub-region’s transformation. This would be achieved if the countries of the region progressively move toward much higher levels of transformation of their forest products by engaging in activities linked to what is referred to as the second...
6 November 2018
The 2018 Africa Trade Forum concluded in Lagos, Nigeria, with delegates agreeing that while governments need to set a conducive environment through collective and coordinated actions for the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the private sector should be the main driver of the AfCFTA.
6 November 2018
La Directrice du Bureau Afrique du Nord de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique de l'ONU (CEA), Lilia Hachem Naas a exprimé, mardi à Alger, sa volonté d'œuvrer au renforcement des relations de coopération susceptibles de consolider les efforts des autorités algériennes en matière de promotion de l'emploi, notamment chez les jeunes.
5 November 2018
Nigerian Bar Association Section of Business Law (NBA-SBL) Chairman Seni Adio (SAN) has hailed the Federal Government for raising the bar on the ease of doing business.
5 November 2018
Le premier rapport sur la mise en œuvre des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) au Maghreb indique l’absence de convergence entre les stratégiques sectorielles au Maroc. Le document tire aussi la sonnette d’alarme à propos de la hausse du chômage des jeunes.
5 November 2018
"La révolution des données n'est pas un mythe. Elle est réelle et nous nous devons de saisir cette opportunité pour soutenir nos initiatives en faveur de la transformation structurelle en Afrique du Nord », a déclaré Lilia Hachem Naas, Directrice du Bureau de la CEA en Afrique du Nord.
5 November 2018
Aliko Dangote, president, Dangote group and co-chair, AfroChampions Initiative, has urged African countries to get the foundation right for the signing of African continental free trade agreement (AfCFTA).
4 November 2018
The 2018 Africa Trade Forum ended in Lagos, Nigeria, with delegates agreeing that while governments need to set a conducive environment through collective and coordinated actions for the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the private sector should to be the main driver of the AfCFTA.
4 November 2018
TUNIS- L’Afrique du Nord représente la sous-région qui compte le plus grand nombre d’émigrants, avec près de 11,5 millions soit 29,55% du total des émigrants africains, et ce depuis 2017, a indiqué jeudi à Tunis une experte onusienne.
