ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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31 October 2018
TUNIS- La croissance économique en Afrique du Nord demeure volatile en raison de la dépendance des économies de cette sous-région de l'Afrique aux ressources primaires comme l’agriculture et le secteur minier, a indiqué mercredi à Tunis un expert onusien.
31 October 2018
The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Liberia Yacoub El Hillo has called for a holistic Implementation of Liberia’s National Agenda, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).
31 October 2018
The Africa Trade Forum 2018, hosted by Nigeria’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, and co-organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), The Rockefeller Foundation, and the African Union Commission (AUC), is set to take place on 2-3 November, 2018 in Lagos.
31 October 2018
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), on Wednesday said Nigeria is set to host the Africa Trade Forum 2018.
30 October 2018
TUNIS- Le développement socio-économique de l’Afrique du nord dépend également d'une production et d'une diffusion de données statistiques "fiables", ont affirmé mardi à Tunis de hauts responsables onusiens et africains.
30 October 2018
TUNIS - La création de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZELCA) contribuera de façon effective dans le développement socio-économique du continent, a affirmé mardi à Tunis une haute responsable onusienne.
30 October 2018
THE East African Community (EAC) is optimistic of realising its integration agenda, with development partners injecting 500m US dollars in the past five years, to jack up the agenda.
30 October 2018
“La mise en œuvre de la Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC) aura des retombées positives en termes d’intégration africaine et d’échanges interafricains, mais les profits à en tirer dépendront fortement du degré de libéralisation qui sera retenu par les pays africains”.
30 October 2018
Le coup d’envoi des travaux de la 33ème session du Comité intergouvernemental d’experts (CIE) a été donné ce mardi 30 octobre 2018, à Tunis, sous le thème « Révolution des données en Afrique du Nord : mettre les données au service de la transformation structurelle » et ce, en présence notamment de Zied Laadhari, ...
29 October 2018
In a historic move, Ethiopia’s parliament has unanimously elected Ambassador Sahlework Zewde as the next President of Ethiopia, replacing outgoing president Mulatu Teshome, on Thursday, October 25. She is the first female head of state in modern Ethiopia.
29 October 2018
Marker, Vestergaard and Hendricks of the University of Copenhagen have penned an interesting article titled Digital Colonialism on the African Continent.
26 October 2018
Underscoring the need to bolster regional commissions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, speakers focused on areas ranging from trade and transport to the environment and natural hazards, as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) met with those bodies today.
26 October 2018
L’intégration et la coopération régionale pour la mise en œuvre du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 sont plus que jamais nécessaires pour favoriser la résilience dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus complexe. Tel était le thème principal abordé ce matin à la Deuxième Commission chargée des questions économiques et financières, au cours de son dialogue annuel avec les cinq...
26 October 2018
ECLAC’s most senior representative participated in the Dialogue of the Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions with the Second Committee of the 73rd session of the General Assembly in New York.
26 October 2018
Le président de la Confédération générale des entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), Salaheddine Mezouar a appelé, jeudi 25 octobre 2018 à Rabat, les jeunes entrepreneurs africains à faire de la technologie un allié au service de la réussite de leurs projets.
25 October 2018
AFRICA – Riguarda la cooperazione per la formazione tecnico-professionale e lo scambio di informazioni nel settore delle energie rinnovabili il protocollo d’intesa firmato tra la Commissione economica delle Nazioni Unite per l’Africa (UNECA) e Res4Med&Africa, associazione che riunisce aziende, fornitori di tecnologie, mondo accademico e società di consulenza impegnate nella cooperazione...
25 October 2018
Following the appointment of gender-parity cabinets by Ethiopia and Rwanda, the African Union (AU) has led conversations applauding the recognition that men and women are equal in politics.
25 October 2018
“Statistics is the new oil that our leaders must, henceforth, harness to engineer business processes on the continent,” Oliver Chinganya, Director of the African Centre for Statistics (ACS) at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has said.
25 October 2018
The United Nations family in Ethiopia on Wednesday joined the rest of the world in celebrating UN Day, which marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter.
25 October 2018
A 68 ans, Shale-Work Zewde est élevée à la magistrature suprême de l’Ethiopie, devenant la première femme présidente de cette république démocratique fédérale.
25 October 2018
Ecco le risposte africane ai problemi africani. Questo ed altro alla Conferenza Italia-Africa di oggi alla Farnesina
25 October 2018
Ethiopia’s new president, Sahle-Work Zewde has joined the ranks of African women that are leading history as pioneers and leaders in male-dominated spheres like politics.
25 October 2018
“STATISTICS is the new oil that our leaders must, henceforth, harness to engineer business processes on the continent,” Oliver Chinganya, the director of the African Centre for Statistics, ACS, at the Economic Commission for Africa, ECA.
