ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

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18 January 2019
The United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Thursday hosted a day-long workshop aimed at enhancing Ethiopia’s policy coherence for the sustainable development goals through integrated climate, land, energy and water (CLEWS) assessments and institutional strengthening.
18 January 2019
Addis Ababa January 18/2019 Three UN entities continue implementing a capacity development project to support Ethiopia’s coherence policy formulation for sustainable development goals in four areas.
18 January 2019
After three days of brainstorming in Mombasa, stakeholders and partners of Kenya's public service delivery systems have reached a consensus on the communication and advocacy strategy for the Honest Public Service Campaign, dubbed Huduma Halisi in Kiswahili.
18 January 2019
Après trois jours de réflexion à Mombasa, les parties prenantes et les partenaires des systèmes de prestation de services publics du Kenya sont parvenus à un consensus sur la stratégie de communication et de plaidoyer de la campagne à adopter pour un service public honnête, baptisée Huduma Halisi en Kiswahili.
17 January 2019
The Africa Poverty Clock presents real-time poverty forecasts for every country in Africa with interactive maps that illustrate countries' status for SDG target 1.1 on ending extreme poverty.Speaking during the launch event, the UNECA Executive Secretary Songwe stressed that current projections show that all countries in the region are "off track" for achieving SDG 1.
17 January 2019
Les principaux dirigeants africains, notamment des chefs d'État, des ministres et des directeurs généraux, ainsi que des représentants de l'Union africaine et des Nations Unies se rencontreront lors de la première édition du Africa Business : Health Forum (AB: HF) qui se tiendra en Éthiopie le 12 février 2019 en marge du 32e Sommet de l'Union africaine.
17 January 2019
De grands dirigeants africains, notamment des chefs d’État, des ministres, des PDG, ainsi que des représentants de l’Union africaine et des Nations unies se réuniront lors du premier Forum Africa Business:Health Forum (AB:HF) (, qui aura lieu en Éthiopie le 12 février 2019, en marge du 32e Sommet de l’Union africaine.
17 January 2019
De grands dirigeants africains, notamment des chefs d’État, des ministres, des PDG, ainsi que des représentants de l’Union africaine et des Nations unies se réuniront lors du premier Forum Africa Business:Health Forum (AB:HF) (, qui aura lieu en Éthiopie le 12 février 2019, en marge du 32e Sommet de l’Union africaine.
17 January 2019
Le Département des affaires économiques et sociales des Nations Unies (UNDESA), le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) et la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) ont organisé ce jeudi, un atelier d'une journée visant à renforcer la cohérence des politiques éthiopiennes pour la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable grâce à des évaluations intégrées...
16 January 2019
Des dirigeants de plusieurs pays africains, notamment des chefs d’État, des ministres, des PDG ainsi que des représentants de l’Union africaine et des Nations Unies se réuniront lors du premier Forum Africa Business: Health Forum (AB:HF), qui aura lieu en Éthiopie le 12 février 2019 en marge du 32e Sommet de l’Union africaine.
15 January 2019
Aliko Dangote Foundation, GBCHealth, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), GBCHealth among others have advocated for public private sector partnership to ensure better healthcare for Africans.
15 January 2019
Africa’s economy is recovering slowly, but problems in the advanced economies and China could create headwinds for the continent in 2019, the World Bank’s chief economist for Africa, Albert Zeufack, says in this interview with Taku Dzimwasha.
15 January 2019
In 1999 African ministers responsible for civil aviation under the aegis of the Organisation of African Unity (now the African Union) adopted the Yamoussoukro Decision – a multilateral agreement between Africa's 54 countries designed to liberalise the continent's aviation market.
15 January 2019
The Ethiopian government on Monday disclosed the installation of modern surveillance technology apparatus across the capital Addis Ababa so as to tackle peace and security challenges.
15 January 2019
It is refreshing to see that South Africa has finally articulated its resolve through approving the agreement for the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The country will continue to champion the socio-economic transformation of Africa.
15 January 2019
By Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Africa recorded average real annual GDP growth of five to six percent between 2000 and 2010 before slowing down to about three percent a year between 2010 and 2015. Current growth performance is expected to decline slightly from 3.4 percent in 2017 to 3.2 percent in 2018. Growth will be driven by external...
15 January 2019
Aliko Dangote Foundation, GBCHealth, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), GBCHealth among others have advocated for public private sector partnership to ensure better healthcare for Africans.
14 January 2019
La Fondation Aliko Dangote, l’UNECA, GBC Health Advocate, et les secteurs public et privé, partenaires pour une meilleure santé en Afrique : 10 janvier 2019 – Addis-Abeba, Éthiopie.
13 January 2019
While countries often tend to focus on international tourism, a new report says domestic tourism remains the leading form of tourism representing an important tool for development.
12 January 2019
African leaders, ministers, CEOs, and representatives from the African Development Bank, African Union, and United Nations are set to convene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the inaugural Africa Business: Health Forum. The Forum set for February 12, 2019, will take place on the margins of the 32nd African Union Summit and is expected to unify Africa’s key decision makers in exploring opportunities...
11 January 2019
The debate on the benefits of trade has dominated this decade, and Africa has cast its vote for more and better trade with itself. In March 2018, African countries signed a landmark trade agreement, the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA), which commits countries to remove tariffs on 90 percent of goods, progressively liberalize trade in services, and address a host of other...
11 January 2019
In 2017, David Koch was volunteering as an exhibition designer for the United Nations when the organization posted an opening for a museum curator in Ethiopia. Koch had never worked in a museum, held no curatorial degrees, and didn’t live in Ethiopia, but his reaction to the advertisement illustrates his approach to most things in life. He went for it.
10 January 2019
African leaders, ministers, CEOs including Aliko Dangote, and representatives from the African Union and United Nations are set to convene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the inaugural of Africa Business: Health Forum.
10 January 2019
