ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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22 December 2018
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique a célébré son 60ème anniversaire cette semaine en organisant un évènement officiel où ont participé des membres du Corps diplomatique et des représentants clés d’institutions partenaires, de groupes de réflexion, d’Organisations de la société civile, d’étudiants, de lycéens et du secteur privé.
22 December 2018
22 December 2018
Le Guide méthodologique de gestion Search gestion du cycle des projets a été restitué à l’occasion d’un atelier organisé par le ministère du Plan et du développement.
22 December 2018
22 December 2018
21 December 2018
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the European Union have signed a €3-million agreement aimed at supporting the national implementation strategies for the African Continental Free Trade Area.
21 December 2018
The United Nations Commission for Africa says 600 million people globally will start 2019 living in extreme poverty and only 20 million will come out of this situation by the end of the year.
21 December 2018
African leaders should honour their commitment to allocate 10 percent of their budgets to agriculture if the continent is to improve food security, reduce poverty and spur economic growth, Batanai Chikwene of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has said.
21 December 2018
Moving into 2019, there is reason to celebrate. Latest estimates by World Data Lab show that, for the first time in history, the world will enter the new year with the lowest level of extreme poverty, at 8%. But single digit numbers hide underlying differences, especially for African countries. 600 million people globally will start 2019 living in extreme poverty and only 20 million will come out...
21 December 2018
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the European Union have signed a three-million-Euro agreement aimed at supporting the national implementation strategies for the African Continental Free Trade Area.
21 December 2018
Ethiopia’s online investment guide, iGuide, which seeks to help investors discover opportunities in the country, business costs, key procedures and laws they may need to know before committing their money, has officially been unveiled.
21 December 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has launched the Africa Poverty Clock, which is a customised version of the World Poverty Clock developed by World Data Lab, aimed at monitoring progress against extreme poverty.
21 December 2018
E’ stata ufficialmente lanciata l’edizione legata all’Etiopia della ‘iGuide’, la guida elettronica agli investimenti nel paese.
21 December 2018
An electronic investment guide (iGuide) was officially launched on Thursday at a ceremony held in Addis Ababa at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC).
21 December 2018
La femme d’affaires marocaine Nabila Freidji a rejoint, hier à Addis-Abeba, l’African Women Leadership Fund, lancé par l’Union Africaine, ONU Femmes et par la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA). Il s’agit d’un fonds à impact social visant à renforcer l’autonomisation économique des femmes en accélérant le profil de femmes gestionnaires de fonds. Ce Fonds est placé sous...
21 December 2018
Lors de la célébration de son 60ème anniversaire cette semaine à Addis-Abeba, la Commission économique pour l’Afrique a lancé l’horloge sur la pauvreté en Afrique.
20 December 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has launched the Africa Poverty Clock, which is a customized version of the world poverty clock that was developed by the World Data Lab.
20 December 2018
A global anti-corruption alarm bell revved recently when the United Nations sensitised the world to the danger corruption poses to development. Marking the event in Abuja, the United Nations Secretary-General, represented by Oliver Stozpe, the Country Representative, UN Office on Drugs and Crimes, revealed that an estimated $2.6 trillion is corruptly siphoned yearly.
20 December 2018
Lors de la célébration de son 60ème anniversaire cette semaine à Addis-Abeba, la Commission économique pour l’Afrique a lancé l’horloge sur la pauvreté en Afrique. L’horloge est une version personnalisée de l’horloge mondiale sur la pauvreté mise au point par le World Data Lab, qui vise à surveiller les progrès accomplis dans la lutte contre la pauvreté extrême, une aspiration du premier Objectif...
20 December 2018
Ethiopia’s online investment guide, iGuide, which seeks to help investors discover opportunities in the country, business costs, key procedures and laws they may need to know before committing their money, was officially unveiled in Addis Ababa Wednesday.
20 December 2018
The United Nations Commission for Africa (UNECA) says 600 million people globally will start 2019 living in extreme poverty and only 20 million will come out of this situation by the end of the year.
