ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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6 March 2019
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et la Banque mondiale ont organisé ce mardi, une table ronde sur l’emploi et la transformation économique dans le but d’approfondir le dialogue sur la création d’emplois et la transformation économique en Afrique en tant que processus de reconstitution de l’Association internationale de développement (IDA).
6 March 2019
Egypt’s Parliament has approved the ratification of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, bringing the total approvals to 19, of which 15 have already been deposited as the formal instrument with the African Union Commission Secretariat.
6 March 2019
Africa needs to innovate in order to create sufficient jobs for its growing youthful population, according to Vera Songwe, executive secretary of Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
5 March 2019
A team of top African entrepreneurs have partnered to finance the continent’s health care industry as a way of spurring economic development.
5 March 2019
Allarme ONU: dal 2015 la fame è tornata a crescere in Africa: 34,5 milioni di persone denutrite in più, come metà della popolazione italiana
5 March 2019
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, UE y Cooperación, Josep Borrell, inicia este martes un viaje a Gambia y a Etiopía con el objetivo principal de presentar el III Plan África, que aprobó el Gobierno el pasado viernes, y para hablar con los Gobiernos de migraciones, comercio y seguridad, han informado fuentes de Exteriores.
5 March 2019
« Je peux attester que la migration enrichit nos vies en même temps qu’elle nous permet d’apprendre et de contribuer ». Le vice-président principal de la Banque africaine de développement, Charles Boamah, a ouvert lundi 4 mars à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire, la 3è édition du Forum africain pour la résilience (FAR) en insistant sur les dividendes que pourrait apporter une migration sûre et maitrisée...
5 March 2019
L'urbanisation en Éthiopie se renforce et devrait tripler, la population urbaine devant atteindre 42,3 millions d'habitants d'ici 2037, a révélé lundi la Commission économique pour l'Afrique des Nations Unies (CEA) dans un communiqué.
5 March 2019
visite de travail à Libreville où il prend part au comité de pilotage du Centre africain des politiques commerciales, Albert Muchanga, Commissaire en charge du commerce et de l'industrie à la Commission de l'Union Africaine, a eu une séance de travail avec le ministre du Commerce David Mbadinga. Y ont pris part, Mme Mfoula, secrétaire générale adjointe de la CEEAC, et de nombreux...
5 March 2019
En marge de la réunion des experts du Centre africain pour la politique commerciale (CAPC) de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), tenue le 1er mars dernier, à Libreville, le Commissaire en charge du commerce et de l’industrie à la Commission de l’Union Africaine (UA), Albert Muchanga, a été reçu par le ministre gabonais du Commerce et des PME et PMI, David Mbadinga.
5 March 2019
Africa has to innovate if the continent is to create sufficient decent jobs for its growing youthful population, Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, said Tuesday.
5 March 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and World Bank (WB) on Tuesday urged African countries to promote innovation and economic transformation so as to create the "much-needed jobs" to Africa's burgeoning youth.
5 March 2019
In order to provide enough jobs for its growing youthful population, Africa must innovate. This is the view of the Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, who proposed immediate action on all fronts to address the continent’s jobs challenge in a structural way.
5 March 2019
Des émissaires de la Commission Économique pour l’Afrique ont échangé ce mardi 5 mars 2019 avec le Ministre guinéen du Commerce, Boubacar Barry. Les cadres de la CEA sont à Conakry dans le cadre de la tenue d’un atelier national d’information et de sensibilisation sur le processus de mise en œuvre de la Zone de libre Echange Continentale Africaine (ZLECAF).
5 March 2019
80% de la migration africaine s’effectue à l’intérieur du continent. En 2017, les Africains représentaient 10% de la migration mondiale.
4 March 2019
During an open session on the theme: “Climate Change Funding in line with the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) to Contribute towards Peace and Security”, the Council noted the inextricable linkages between climate change and peace and security, and emphasized the need for collective and holistic approaches towards building resilience and mitigating the adverse effects of climate.
4 March 2019
L'Union africaine (UA) a souligné dimanche la vulnérabilité de l'Afrique aux variations climatiques naturelles ou causées par l'homme, une vulnérabilité encore exacerbée par les phénomènes extrêmes tels que la sécheresse et les inondations.
4 March 2019
The success of the African Continental Free Trade area will depend on a range of policies to address trade, investment and industrialization barriers and the media will play a vital role to make it happen.
4 March 2019
According to the Economic Commission for Africa, the United States and other foreign investors potentially have a very important role to play in accelerating the emergence of regional value chains and in increasing volumes of intra-regional trade on the continent.
4 March 2019
"Foreign investors have potentially a very important role to play in accelerating the emergence of regional value-chains and in increasing volumes of intra-regional trade," the ECA said in a statement on Sunday.
4 March 2019
According to the Economic Commission for Africa, the United States and other foreign investors potentially have a very important role to play in accelerating the emergence of regional value chains and in increasing volumes of intra-regional trade on the continent.
4 March 2019
Urbanization in Ethiopia is increasing and projected to triple, with urban population expected to reach 42.3 million by 2037, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) revealed on Monday.
3 March 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Sunday urged investors from non-African countries to play "very important role" in accelerating intra-Africa trade.
1 March 2019
Experts from the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA), African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) are meeting in Libreville, Gabon today to review the guidelines for preparing national AfCFTA implementation strategies. Experts will review current production and trade within a national and regional context; the identification and prioritization of opportunities for value chain development; a thorough...
1 March 2019
Nigeria’s oil and gas sector contributes 92.9 per cent of the total amount of illicit financial flows (IFFs) the country records yearly through companies and persons operating in the sector, a report prepared by experts in the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) and Trust Africa has said.
