ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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23 February 2019
A delegation from the Government of Uruguay on Friday met with the Economic Commission for Africa’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Giovanie Biha, and discussed ways through which the think tank and Uruguay can work together so African countries can learn from the South American country’s successful experience and best practices in agriculture and related sectors.
22 February 2019
Eradicating the Ebola Virus Disease from Africa requires bold leadership at different tiers of government and society, Deputy Executive Director of the UN Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA), Giovani Biha, said on Thursday.
22 February 2019
African countries should come up with policies that support the development of Private if the Economies on the black continent are to grow.
22 February 2019
A delegation from the Government of Uruguay on Friday met with the Economic Commission for Africa’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Giovanie Biha, and discussed ways through which the think tank and Uruguay can work together so African countries can learn from the South American country’s successful experience and best practices in agriculture and related sectors.
22 February 2019
A delegation from the Government of Uruguay on Friday met with the UN Economic Commission for Africa’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Giovanie Biha, and discussed on how to help improve Africa’s agriculture sector.
22 February 2019
L’éradication du virus Ébola en Afrique nécessite un leadership audacieux aux différents niveaux du gouvernement et de la société, a déclaré la Secrétaire exécutive adjointe de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Giovanie Biha.
21 February 2019
CSOs' had a dialogue on women's health with a theme "Meeting Women's Health Needs in Ethiopia; Challenges and Opportunities" in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 15th February 2019. The meeting was organized by the ECA, AU Department for Social Affairs and WHO, in collaboration with Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the Ethiopian Ministries of Gender and Health, UNDP,...
21 February 2019
On the sidelines of the 32nd African Union summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia recently, various Heads of government across Africa expressed support for a newly launched health platform tagged African Business Coalition for Health (ABC Health); which is a joint initiative of the Aliko Dangote Foundation; GBCHealth, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Ugo Aliogo writes...
21 February 2019
Collaboration among key stakeholders in the climate information services value chain is crucial for Africa to achieve its development agenda, African experts said on Wednesday.
21 February 2019
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) had a dialogue on women’s health with a theme “Meeting Women’s Health Needs in Ethiopia; Challenges and Opportunities” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 15th February 2019. The meeting was organized by the ECA, AU Department for Social Affairs and WHO, in collaboration with Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the Ethiopian Ministries of Gender and Health,...
21 February 2019
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) had a dialogue on women’s health with a theme “Meeting Women’s Health Needs in Ethiopia; Challenges and Opportunities” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 15th February 2019. The meeting was organized by the ECA, AU Department for Social Affairs and WHO, in collaboration with Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the Ethiopian Ministries of Gender and Health,...
21 February 2019
Eradicating the Ebola Virus Disease from Africa requires bold leadership at different tiers of government and society, Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Deputy Executive Director, Giovani Biha, said Thursday.
21 February 2019
Eradicating the Ebola Virus Disease from Africa requires bold leadership at different tiers of government and society, Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA) Deputy Executive Director, Giovani Biha, said Thursday.
21 February 2019
Eradicating the Ebola Virus Disease from Africa requires bold leadership at different tiers of government and society, Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Deputy Executive Director, Giovani Biha, said ThursdayShe was speaking at a meeting called by the African Union Commission, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization to share information with...
21 February 2019
Collaboration among key stakeholders in the climate information services value chain is crucial for Africa to achieve its development agenda, African experts said on Wednesday.
21 February 2019
21 February 2019
Eradicating the Ebola Virus Disease from Africa requires bold leadership at different tiers of government and society, Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Deputy Executive Director, Giovani Biha, said Thursday.
20 February 2019
Decline in trade in the intra-East Africa Community, Africa's most dynamic regional economic bloc, is casting doubts over the takeoff of the soon-to-be-established Continental Free Trade Area, according to experts.
20 February 2019
Anew report published by the United Nations ( UN) says that hunger is on the rise in Africa after many years of decline, threatening the continent’s zero hunger agenda and the attainment of the 2030 sustainable development goals.
20 February 2019
Le Royaume-Uni veut rendre les pays africains moins dépendants de l’aide étrangère grâce à un nouveau programme de lutte contre l’évasion fiscale. C’est ce qu’a annoncé ce mardi, Penny Mordaunt (photo), secrétaire d'État britannique au Développement international.
20 February 2019
Le Royaume-Uni veut aider les pays africains a être moins dépendant de l’aide financière internationale en renforçant la lutte contre la fraude fiscale.
19 February 2019
Zouera Youssoufou, CEO Aliko Dangote Foundation; H.E Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti; Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ; H.E Dr Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia; Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, Co-chair GBCHealth/Founder ABCHealth; Halima Dangote, Executive Director, Dangote Industries Limited; Michel Sidibe, Executive Director, UNAIDS; and...
19 February 2019
Les dirigeants du secteur privé africain ont, en marge du 32ème Sommet de l’Union africaine, décidé de faire front commun pour améliorer de manière positive les soins de santé de la population africaine en pleine croissance. Ils sont appuyés dans cette initiative par les chefs d’Etat.
19 February 2019
La faim est en progression en Afrique après des années de recul, révèle un nouveau rapport conjoint des Nations Unies, imputant ce recul notamment par la flambée des prix des produits de base.
