ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
Copyright Note: The links to respective articles are provided as available, but access to some of the full articles may be limited to individual subscribers. ECA has no control over external website content and/or links, which may no longer exist or be redirected.

15 March 2019
The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) could soon gather the minimum required ratifications to put it into effect.
14 March 2019
Le déficit de financement des soins de santé en Afrique est énorme. En février, Africa Business : Health Forum a réuni des acteurs des secteurs public et privé pour répondre aux enjeux, et lancé un nouvel outil pour récolter des fonds.
14 March 2019
Let's start our story today with Ghana, a country the size of Jammu and Kashmir in West Africa. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, needing more and more power each year to run its expanding economy. A Turkish company is generating part of Ghana's power supply. Another Turkish company completed the construction of Ghana's new international airport.
13 March 2019
The World Bank will more than double its commitment to climate adaptation and mitigation in Africa over the next five years to $22.5 billion.
13 March 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has ramped up efforts to woo Nigeria and other African countries yet to fully sign on to the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) with a list of tariff and economic benefits that await them.
12 March 2019
United Nations staff in Ethiopia on Monday paid tribute to the 19 UN personnel killed in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash on Sunday.
12 March 2019
La compañía estatal Ethiopian Airlines anunció este lunes que fueron recuperadas las dos cajas negras del Boeing 737 Max 8 que se estrelló el domingo al sureste de la capital, con saldo de 157 muertos.
12 March 2019
Artificial Intelligence is nowadays one of the most popular topics to discus upon. It only continues to significantly increase in its role in business and daily life in general. It is important to discuss that what role women are likely to play in the world of Artificial Intelligence, writes Nandita Koshal, Research Associate, International Institute for Higher Education Research and Capacity...
12 March 2019
Le personnel des Nations unies en Éthiopie a rendu hommage lundi aux 19 membres de son personnel qui ont trouvé la mort dans le crash d'un avion d'Ethiopian Airlines dimanche.
12 March 2019
El personal de Naciones Unidas en Etiopía rindió homenaje hoy a 19 elementos del personal de la organización mundial muertos en el accidente de aviación de Ethiopian Airlines del domingo.
12 March 2019
Ethiopians and the diplomatic community are mourning the death of 157 people aboard the Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed minutes after takeoff on Sunday.
12 March 2019
The UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, celebrated International Women’s Day in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at an event organized by the Ministry for Women, Youth and Children Affairs and supported by UNAIDS. The event brought together female leaders and representatives of women’s associations from all over the country. Addressing the meeting, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed,...
12 March 2019
Aucun doute, le port autonome de Lomé est un formidable atout pour l’économie togolaise. Cette affirmation n’est pas contenue dans une brochure promotionnelle, c’est l’avis des experts de la commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA).
12 March 2019
Le Royaume sera l’hôte de la 52ème session de la Conférence des ministres africains des Finances, de la Planification et du Développement Economique (CoM) de la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique ‘CEA’. Prévue du mercredi 20 au mardi 26 mars 2019 à Marrakech, cette conférence se déroulera sous le thème : «Politique budgétaire, commerce et secteur privé à l’ère du numérique : une stratégie...
11 March 2019
The UN family has received the news of the Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed at 8:44 on Sunday morning with profound shock and dismay.
11 March 2019
The UN family has received the news of the Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed at 8:44 this morning with profound shock and dismay. The Boeing 737-800 crashed in Bishoftu, shortly after take off from Bole International Airport.
11 March 2019
United Nations staff in Ethiopia gathered today at the UN Conference Centre for a minute of silence and a flag lowering ceremony in memory of the 19 United Nations personnel killed in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 Sunday. The solemn gathering was led by the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. Aeneas Chuma.
11 March 2019
La 52ème session de la Conférence de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) prévue du 20 au 26 mars courant à Marrakech, constitue «la voie vers l’adoption d’une stratégie africaine de la politique budgétaire, le commerce et le secteur privé à l’ère du numérique», a affirmé l’Ambassadeur Représentant Permanent du Maroc auprès de l’Union Africaine (UA) et de la CEA, M....
11 March 2019
The management of the Ethiopian Airline has confirmed that two Nigerians are among the 157 passengers and eight crew that died in the Ethiopian Airlines 320 that crashed on Sunday.
11 March 2019
This week, African and global health experts and policymakers are gathering in Addis Ababa to discuss how to enable national public-health institutions (NPHIs) to keep emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in check. At the top of the agenda must be empowering local leadership to act fast.
10 March 2019
The United Nations has expressed profound shock and dismay over the crash of Ethiopian Airlines plane on Sunday morning. The global body stated this in a statement issued by the Communications Section of Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on behalf of Ms Vera Songwe, the executive secretary of ECA.
10 March 2019
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) expresó este domingo su tristeza por la muerte de los 157 pasajeros del accidente aéreo de Etiopía, entre los que había varios trabajadores de la organización internacional cuyo número aún no se ha concretado.
10 March 2019
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has declared Monday a day of mourning after dozens of aid workers, doctors, UN officials and World Food Programme staff were killed in a plane crash minutes after taking off from Addis Ababa airport.
10 March 2019
Naciones Unidas expresó este domingo su tristeza por la muerte de los 157 pasajeros del accidente aéreo de Etiopía, entre los que había varios trabajadores de la organización internacional cuyo número aún no se ha concretado.
10 March 2019
El accidente aéreo ocurrido este domingo en Etiopía dejó un saldo de 157 muertos. Diecinueve personas que trabajaban para varias agencias u organizaciones afiliadas a la ONU se encuentran entre las víctimas.
