Provisional Programme of work CSD

Tuesday 16 June 2015

 8.30 a.m. – 9.30 a.m. Registration of participants
 9.30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Opening of the meeting


Venue:   Conference room 2, United Nations Conference Centre

Chair:     Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the eighth session of Committee on Food Security and

                Sustainable Development


  • Representative of the Republic of Congo, Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the eighth session of the Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development
  • Ms. Fatima Denton, Director, Special Initiatives Division (SID), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

 10.30 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. 


 Tea and coffee break
 10.45 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

 Election of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development

Venue: Conference room 2, United Nations Conference Centre

Chair:   Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the eighth session of Committee on Food Security and

              Sustainable Development (CFSSD-8)

 11.00 a.m. – 11.15 a.m.

Adoption of the agenda and programme of work

Venue: Conference room 2, United Nations Conference Centre

Chair:   Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development

 11.15 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

 Introduction and objectives of the meeting by Mr. Thierry Amousougbo,

Senior Programme Management Officer African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC), SID

 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Presentation and discussions on the parliamentary report on “Harnessing innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources for Africa’s transformation: challenges and opportunities”

  • Overview, by Ms. Fatima Denton, Director, Special Initiatives Division (SID)          
  • New technologies and innovations, by Mr. Kasirim Nwuke, Chief, New Technologies and Innovation Section, SID
  • Green economy and natural resources, by Ms. Isatou Gaye, Chief, Green Economy and Natural Resources Section, SID
 1 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. Lunch break
 2.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. 

Presentation and discussions on the parliamentary report on “Harnessing innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources for Africa’s transformation: challenges and opportunities” – continued

 Venue:   Conference room 2, United Nations Conference Centre

Chair:     Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development

  • Mineral resources development, by Mr. Kodjo Busia, Officer in Charge, African Minerals Development Centre, SID
  • Climate change and development by Mr. Johnson Nkem, Senior Adaptation Officer, African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC), SID
4.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m.Tea and coffee break
4.15 p.m. –5.15 p.m.

Presentation and discussions on the report on progress in the implementation of the 2014–2015 work programme of the ECA subprogramme on innovations, technologies and managing Africa’s natural resources by  Ms Fatima Denton , Director, SID

Venue:   Conference room 2, United Nations Conference Centre

Chair:     Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development

5.15 p.m. –5.30 p.m.Theme, dates and venue of the tenth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development
5.30 p.m. –5.45 p.m.Other matters
5.45 p.m. –18.00 p.m.

Concluding session


  • Ms. Fatima Denton, Director, SID
  • Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on sustainable development