The ninth session of the ECA Committee on Sustainable Development (CSD-9) will deliberate on statutory and programmatic matters related to the ECA subprogramme on innovations, technologies and the management of natural resources under the auspices of the Special Initiatives Division (SID). The session will in addition provide a platform for the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD), which ECA is organizing jointly with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In keeping with the UN General Assembly resolution, the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) will bring together government ministries and agencies, major groups and other stakeholders, to deliberated on and provide Africa’s collective input to HLPF-2015.
The main objectives of CSD-9 are to:
a) Review and provide guidance on the ECA Subprogramme on Innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources, the implementation of its 2014/2015 work programme, and priorities of the subprogramme for the 2016/2017 work programme in the context of the ECA strategic framework and proposed programme budget for the 2016/2017 biennium; and
b) Provide a platform for ARFSD for the HLPF 2015. The Africa Forum deliberations will focus and agree on Africa’s collective input, in the form of key messages to HLPF 2015. These are on (i) integration, implementation and review including shaping the HLPF beyond 2015; (ii) new and emerging issues and the science-policy interface; (iii) sustainable consumption and production; (iv) SIDS and other countries in special situations.
Expected Outcomes
CSD-9 is expected to lead to:
1. Clear understanding and appreciation of the new ECA subprogramme on innovations, technologies and the management of Africa’s natural resources. Specifically on:
a) Role and potential of new innovations and technologies as engines of economic growth in Africa, and strategic options for member States to harness these innovations and technologies;
b) Green economy as a tool to achieve inclusive and green structural transformation and development;
c) Role and importance of mineral resources in fostering sustainable socio-economic development and strategic options for achieving such development in the context of the African Mining Vision; and
d) The challenges posed by climate change and measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation including appropriate mechanisms for integration into national development priorities, policies, strategies and programmes.
2. Clear guidance and direction on enhanced implementation of the 2014/2015 work programme; and on priorities for the 2016/2017 biennium for the ECA Subprogramme on innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources.
3. Clear understanding and articulation of Africa’s priorities and key messages on the theme and other discussion topics of HLPF 2015.