Provisional Annotated Agenda CSD

Tuesday 16 June 2015

  1. Opening of the meeting

    The Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the eighth session of the Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development will preside over the official opening of the meeting. The representative of Malawi will serve as Rapporteur. The outgoing Chair will introduce members of the Bureau and speakers for the opening session and then make the opening Statement. Ms Fatima Denton, Director of the Special Initiatives Division will make a statement on behalf of the Economic Commission for Africa.

  2. Organizational matters

    1. Election of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development

      The meeting will go for a short break after the opening session, during which the heads of delegation will confer to elect a Bureau of five members - one Chair, three Vice-Chairs and one Rapporteur, who will be elected on the basis of equitable geographical representation from the five subregions of Africa; and taking into account the representation countries in the previous Bureaus. The outgoing Chair will present the outcome of the consultations and invite the elected Chair of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development to assume his or her place on the podium and preside over the deliberations.

    2. Adoption of the agenda and programme of work

      The Chair of the ninth session of the Committee will introduce the provisional agenda and programme of work and invite the meeting to consider adopting them.

  3. Introduction and objectives of the meeting

    The secretariat will provide an overview of the objectives, format, expected outcomes and outputs of the meeting, to help the Committee arrive at a common understanding of the work and deliberations.

  4. Presentation and discussions on the parliamentary report on “Harnessing innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources for Africa’s transformation: challenges and opportunities”

    Presentation and discussions on this agenda item are intended to elicit guidance from the Committee on ensuring that the strategic orientation of the subprogramme adequately responds to Africa’s development priorities on technology and innovation, green economy and natural resources, mineral resources development, and climate change and development.

    The secretariat will make a presentation on the parliamentary report on “Harnessing Innovations, technologies and Africa’s natural resources for structural transformation in the region: challenges and opportunities”. The presentation will be made in five parts. The first will introduce the ECA subprogramme on innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources, including the scope and strategic focus. The other four presentations will provide insights into the work streams of the subprogramme. They are: new technologies and innovations; green economy and natural resources; mineral resources development; and climate change and development.

    Main issues arising and recommendations will be drawn from the discussions following each of the presentations.

  5. Presentation and discussions on the report on progress in the implementation of the 2014–2015 work programme of the Economic Commission for Africa subprogramme on innovations, technologies and managing Africa’s natural resources

    Presentation and discussions on this agenda item are expected to lead to clear guidance and direction to enhance implementation of the work programme for the 2014–2015 biennium; and refine priorities for the 2016–2017 strategic framework and proposed programme budget.

    The secretariat will present a progress report outlining the main planned outputs, activities carried out, and achievements made in the implementation of the subprogramme on innovations, technologies and managing Africa’s natural resources for the 2014–2015 biennium; and priority areas for the 2016–2017 work programme.

    General discussions will follow and main issues and recommendations will be synthesized.

  6. Theme, dates and venue of the tenth session of the Committee on Sustainable development

    The secretariat will present proposals on the theme, dates and venue of the tenth session of the Committee for consideration by the Committee. The Committee will deliberate on the proposals with a view to reaching agreements on the same.

  7. Other matters

    Under this agenda item, the meeting may wish to consider any other matters that may be brought to its attention.

  8. Concluding session

    Ms Fatima Denton, Director Special Initiatives Division and the Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee will make concluding Statements on the meeting.