Provisional Annotated Agenda ARFSD
Wednesday 17 June 2015
Opening of the meeting
The moderator will introduce the meeting and speakers for the opening session; and request the opening speakers to make statements. The Chair of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Sustainable Development will make a statement. The Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will deliver his Statement followed by statements from other speakers for the opening session. Finally, the representative of the Government of Ethiopia will deliver the opening address and declare the meeting officially open.
Keynote address on the ongoing negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda
This session is intended to enhance understanding and appreciation by the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development of the background, progress, state of play and emerging consensus and issues on the ongoing negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda.
His Excellency Macharia Kamau, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations, and co-facilitator for the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, is expected to deliver the keynote address.Organizational matters and Adoption of the agenda and programme of work
Before a short break, the moderator will introduce the Members of the Bureau of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Sustainable Development who will serve as the Bureau for the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development. The Chair of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development will preside over and guide the deliberations of the Forum.
The Chair of the ninth session of the Committee will introduce the provisional agenda and programme of work for the Forum and invite the meeting to consider adopting them.Following the adoption of the Agenda and programme of work, the Chair will inform the meeting about the parallel session to deliberate on Agenda items 4 and 5 below. The Chair will invite participants to join either of the parallel sessions. The Chair will preside over the deliberations by parallel session 1 on agenda item 4; and designate one of the Vice-Chairs to chair the session on Agenda item 5. The Rapporteur for the ninth session will identify and designate official rappoteurs for the two parallel sessions.
Presentation and discussions related to the theme of the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development – “Strengthening integration, implementation and review: the role of sustainable development bodies after 2015” (parallel session 1)
The presentation and discussions on this agenda item are expected to lead to effective articulation of Africa’s priorities and key messages on the theme of the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
The secretariat will make three presentation drawn from the parliamentary report entitled “Strengthening integration, implementation and review: the role of sustainable development bodies after 2015”. The presentations will highlight the significance of integration, implementation and review in furthering the sustainable development agenda; sustainable development bodies and their role in strengthening integration, implementation and review after 2015; and conclusions and recommendations.Each presentation will last no more than 15 minutes. The chair may allow 10 minutes for clarification after each presentation.
Detailed discussions will follow after all the presentations for the parallel session. Key messages and recommendations emerging will be synthesized and presented at the plenary by the session rapporteur. These messages will feed into Africa’s collective input to 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Presentations and discussions on other topics to be considered by 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: new and emerging issues – science policy interface; sustainable consumption and production; small island developing States, least developed countries and landlocked developing countries (parallel session 2)
The presentation and discussions on this agenda item are expected to lead to effective articulation of Africa’s priorities and key messages on other topics to be considered by the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
The secretariat will make five presentations on other topics to be considered by the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development – new and emerging issues and strengthening the science-policy interface; sustainable consumption and production; and small island developing States, and other countries in special situations (least developed countries and landlocked developing countries).Each presentation will last no more than 15 minutes. The chair may allow 10 minutes for clarification after each presentation.
Detailed discussions will follow after all the presentations for the parallel session. Key messages and recommendations emerging will be synthesized and presented at the plenary by the session rapporteur. These messages will feed into Africa’s collective input to 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Statements by major groups
A representative of major groups will make a statement highlighting Africa’s major groups and other stakeholders’ perspectives on regional priorities, key messages and recommendations to the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. This statement will be based on the outcome of the capacity-building workshop for major groups and other stakeholders in the Africa region to be held on 16 June 2015, under the framework of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Thursday 18 June 2015
Consideration of messages from the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development to the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The Rapporteur of the ninth Session of the Committee on Sustainable Development, will present, for review by the Forum, draft consolidated key messages arising from the presentations and discussions on the reports on the theme and other topics to be considered by the Forum. The meeting will make comments and observations on the draft, which will be recorded. Africa’s key messages and recommendations to the 2015 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will be adopted on the understanding that the agreed amendments will be reflected in the final document to be conveyed to the secretariat of the Forum in New York, and circulated to all delegates at the earliest possible time after the meeting.
Consideration and adoption of the reports of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
The Committee will have before it, the draft report of the ninth session of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for consideration. The meeting will make comments and observations on the draft report. The report will be adopted with the understanding that the agreed amendments will be incorporated into the final report to be circulated to all participants at the earliest possible time after the meeting.
Theme, dates and venue of the next Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
The secretariat will present proposals on the theme, dates and venue of the next Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for consideration by the Committee. The Committee will deliberate on the proposals with a view to reaching agreements on the same.
Other matters
Under this agenda item, the meeting may wish to consider any other matters that may be brought to its attention.
Closing of the meeting
The Chair of the Bureau of the ninth session of the Committee will make a statement and invite the Executive Secretary of ECA to make a closing statement and declare the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development closed.