About the UNCC-AA

The United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa (UNCC-AA) is a blend of elegant architecture, innovative technology and professional customer service - creating a seamless world-class venue for organizing impactful events. UNCC-AA offers various types and sizes of conference/meeting rooms, VIP holding areas, offices, briefing and training rooms, in-door exhibit space, spacious areas suited for networking, banquets and grand receptions - facilitating all the essentials in a form of All-IN-ONE!
The UNCC-AA is just 10 minutes’ drive from Bole International Airport that has air links to more than 100 cities worldwide. Also, it is situated right next to the various three-to-five star hotels and the historic AFRICA HALL as well as the offices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and other specialized UN agencies.
- long years of experience in hosting local, regional and global events/exhibitions and our venue is elegant and convenient for various sizes and types of meetings/exhibitions. Our Service history commenced decades back - we were the sole service providers of high-level meetings in the city of Addis Ababa by then. Our service started with the historic Africa Hall, which still is one of Addis Ababa's landmarks;
- a world standard conference service provider on cost-recovery basis (not for profit);
- dynamic work force and participatory management;
- public services available on the same compound and at close proximity eg., banking, business center, health care services, etc;
- high-level security and safety services for conference participants at all levels. The compound is under 24x7 CCTV coverage plus latest perimeter and interior access controls further to highly-qualified UN security team;
- free Wi-Fi, high standard IT-supported meeting facilities and services.
First Floor (Main Conference Rooms)
Second Floor (Catering Area, Caucus Rooms)