Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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Articles en vedette

5 Mai 2016
GOVERNANCE and corruption are controversial issues of great significance for sustainable development. Fostering structural transformation requires more than a national policy and strategy in order to operate effectively in an increasingly globalised world.
5 Mai 2016
Statement by Chairperson of the African Union Commission HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma
4 Mai 2016
Inequality remains a critical issue that should be addressed with urgency if costly consequences of illicit financial flows are to be avoided, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes said.
3 Mai 2016
Governance and corruption are controversial issues of great significance for sustainable development. Fostering structural transformation requires more than a national policy and strategy in order to operate effectively in an increasingly globalized world. Globalization continues to alter countries' growth trajectories, with grave implications for the poor by affecting their access to assets...
3 Mai 2016
This event, bringing together the shared expertise of Oxfam and the University of Oxford’s African Studies Centre, will discuss the notion of fair tax in the context of a growing inequality crisis. In the wake of the "Panama Papers" scandal they will also debate the problems countries have in establishing fair tax systems in the context of the labyrinthine world of tax havens.
3 Mai 2016
La gouvernance et la corruption sont des questions à controverse qui revêtent une grande importance pour le développement durable. La promotion de la transformation structurelle requiert plus qu’une politique et une stratégie nationales pour opérer efficacement dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé. La mondialisation continue de modifier les trajectoires de croissance des pays, avec de graves...
3 Mai 2016
La gouvernance et la corruption sont des questions à controverse qui revêtent une grande importance pour le développement durable. La promotion de la transformation structurelle requiert plus qu’une politique et une stratégie nationales pour opérer efficacement dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé.
2 Mai 2016
Africa’s vast lakes and ocean resources are key to the future wealth and sustainable development of the continent – if properly used.
2 Mai 2016
The reality is that short of actively encouraging migration, African countries are most unlikely to wholeheartedly discourage nationals from seeking greener pastures elsewhere.
2 Mai 2016
African Arguments caught up with the UN Economic Commission for Africa’s Executive Director to talk about economic transformation, what’s holding the continent back, and whether leaders will really take action in the wake of the #PanamaPapers.
2 Mai 2016
The revelation by the Panama Papers reaffirms the efforts of many Africans over the past few years to draw the attention of world leaders and policy makers to the catastrophic effects of illicit financial outflows (IFFs) bleeding the continent.
29 Avril 2016
Pour Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire Exécutif de la CEA, il est certain que les partenariats mondiaux peuvent fournir l'impulsion nécessaire pour s'attaquer aux principaux défis socio-économiques auxquels l'Afrique est aujourd'hui confrontée.
28 Avril 2016
Notre Ambassadeur en Ethiopie, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Union Africaine SEM. Bass Abal Abasse, a présenté aujourd’hui à Addis-Abeba ses Lettres de Créance à Monsieur Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies, Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), en sa qualité d'Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de...
28 Avril 2016
Fostering structural transformation requires more than a national policy and strategy in order to operate effectively in an increasingly globalized world.
27 Avril 2016
The recent revelation by the Panama Papers reaffirms the efforts of many Africans, over the past few years, to draw the attention of world leaders and policy-makers to the catastrophic effects of illicit financial outflows (IFFs) bleeding the continent.
27 Avril 2016
If you don’t know the name, you should: more than any other African, Carlos Lopes is in charge of steering this continent’s economic future. As the head of the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Africa, it is Lopes’ job to advise, cajole and direct governments into making sensible policy, and then implement it. He tells SIMON ALLISON how it should be done.
27 Avril 2016
Africa’s tertiary education and research sector is not ready for global competitiveness and innovation as only 4 percent of new innovations on the continent are based on research and development, according to the Economics Commission for Africa or ECA, the African Union and the African Development Bank.
27 Avril 2016
Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the level of United Nations (UN) Under Secretary General, said that his message is simple—come invest in Africa.
27 Avril 2016
The current tendency of influential perception-based measures and indicators--i.e. Corruption Perceptions Index, World Governance Indicators, Ibrahim Index of African Governance and Afrobarometer, etc--in measuring corruption in Africa "is to focus on individuals' perception of the extent of corruption," explains Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for...
27 Avril 2016
Governance and corruption are controversial issues of great significance for sustainable development. Fostering structural transformation requires more than a national policy and strategy in order to operate effectively in an increasingly globalized world.
