Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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20 Avril 2016
The success and impact of our inaugural BCA Annual Debate confirmed this valuable event to be unlike any other in your business calendar. This event is a refreshingly inclusive and engaging experience.
20 Avril 2016
The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), will host the Fourth High Level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management at UNECA’s Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20-22 April 2016.
20 Avril 2016
The two major postal development projects during the 2012-2016 cycle: National Addressing and Post Codes and Electrification and Connectivity of post offices in rural areas in Africa, have received a major boost following their approval by an AU-UNECA Joint Ministerial Conference which concluded in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 5th April, 2016.
20 Avril 2016
Africa’s narrative is changing from a continent in need of aid to a place of opportunity for growth and prosperity. Many African countries are seeking emerging-economy status within the next two decades, which they could achieve if they are able to sustain double-digit growth.
20 Avril 2016
Le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, Carlos Lopes, a déclaré que malgré le fait que l’Afrique ait connu une croissance sans précédent cette dernière décennie, le continent connait toujours la plus grande proportion mondiale de population pauvre.
19 Avril 2016
La transformation ne se fera pas sans une volonté de changement et des politiques cohérentes dans le cadre d’une stratégie de développement harmonisée », a souligné Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique.
19 Avril 2016
Dans cet entretien exclusif, Carlos Lopes, patron de la commission économique des Nations-Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), dresse un bilan sans concession de la Semaine du Développement Africain. Il analyse la percée marocaine au Sud du Sahara et appelle les pays d’Afrique du Nord à concrétiser leur intégration régionale.
19 Avril 2016
Economist Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Economic Commission for Africa, peers into his crystal ball to make predictions about Africa.
19 Avril 2016
Leading thinkers from architecture, civil engineering, urban planning, social science, business, and industry from 40 countries met in Detroit at the 5th International LafargeHolcim Forum on April 7-9, 2016. “Infrastructure Space” was the topic of the three-day symposium and examined how to deliver long-term infrastructure that is aligned with sustaining human habitat.
19 Avril 2016
From ‘tragedy’ to ‘African Renaissance’ to reality: what are the most important features of African economies and the continent as a whole? Carlos Lopes discusses demography, land mass, the blue economy, migration, and more within Africa and globally, to give a better, clearer idea of Africa’s place in the world.
18 Avril 2016
Speakers 2016
17 Avril 2016
L’Afrique compte des fils dignes, intelligents et serviables. Leur engagement pour le développement du continent ne se traduit pas seulement par des paroles.
16 Avril 2016
Prime Minister Hailemariam addressed the fifth Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa. The Forum which opened today (April 16, 2016) in Bahir Dar town, Amhara regional state is being held under the theme "Africa in the Global Security Agenda."
16 Avril 2016
Leaders, policymakers, experts and researchers have gathered in Bahir Dar, the capital city of the Amhara Regional State, for the 5th Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa, which will be held from April 16-17.
15 Avril 2016
Der gemeinsame Kampf gegen Terror und Extremismus, Krisenprävention und -management in Nord- und Ostafrika sowie Sicherheitsrisiken, die von Epidemien und Klimawandel ausgehen, waren zentrale Themen des Core Group Meetings der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (MSC) in Addis Abeba.
15 Avril 2016
A network of experts was mooted at recent forum in Kigali to steer the transformation of Africa, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Dr Carlos Lopes, spoke to Berna Namata on the continent’s economic prospects.
15 Avril 2016
To develop Africa’s economies, the continent’s traders must embrace the real sector, a development economist, Mr Hasvoon Chang, has said.
15 Avril 2016
While US President Barak Obama’s astonishing admission that ‘Libya was the worst mistake’ of his administration has led to red faces in the British and French governments, its timing could not have been better for the Tana High-level Forum on Security in Africa, taking place this weekend in the Ethiopian town of Bahir Dar.
15 Avril 2016
The 2016 Economic Report on Africa has been launched in New York with Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes of the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) saying Africa can industrialize like other regions in the world have done but in a cleaner and inclusive way.
