Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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26 Août 2016
A segunda parte da entrevista com o chefe da Comissão Económica da ONU para África, ECA, destaca porque migrantes de países africanos precisam de mais atenção do continente.
22 Août 2016
Chefe do ECA explicou que africanos têm financiado empresas chinesas com empréstimos a instituições financeiras internacionais; responsável disse que investimento e parcerias devem substituir era marcada por trocas comerciais.
19 Juillet 2016
19 Jul 2016 - Theme: Tackling vulnerabilities, building resilience. Opening remarks by Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
14 Juillet 2016
Although Africa relentlessly promotes policies and programmes to strengthen the process of economic cooperation and integration, implementation of protocols has left government's political will in question. CNBC Africa spoke to Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary at United Nations Economic Commission for Africa on the how to improve the continent's implementation record.
8 Juin 2016
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Carlos Lopes, focused his keynote speech at the LafargeHolcim Forum 2016 on Africa’s Infrastructure Appetite.
8 Juin 2016
Le Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Economique des Nations-Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), qui boucle une mission en Guinée, a animé un point de presse lundi
29 Mai 2016
We ask if Africa’s current growth can deliver political reform and civic freedom - or will Africa end up richer but less free?
26 Mai 2016
2016 edition of the African Development Bank Annual Meetings.
25 Mai 2016
African Development Bank
2016 edition of the African Development Bank Annual Meetings.
21 Mai 2016
Free download Carlos Lopes Financing Africa Agenda 2063 for free
16 Mai 2016
Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa chats to CNBC Africa about structural transformation and increasing value addition in commodities in Africa.
15 Mai 2016
It is easier for US citizens to travel within Africa than it is for Africans and only 13 of 55 countries offer visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to all Africans. This is according to the Africa Visa Openness Report 2016. Experts from the The African Development Bank, McKinsey & Company and the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Africa share insights and their outlook for...
15 Mai 2016
Two economic experts say complete eradication of poverty has never been easy in the history of the world, adding it would require a lot of effort to achieve that as outlined in President Geingob's Harambee Prosperity Plan.
30 Avril 2016
Economie, L'INVITÉ DU JOUR Avec Carlos LOPES, Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique
17 Avril 2016
At the Conference of Ministers 2016, we chat to the ECA Executive Secretary, Mr Carlos Lopes about progress made on a number of key issues pertinent to the sustainable development of the African continent and the challenges that lie ahead. What are the key drivers that will accelerate the implementation process?
15 Avril 2016
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Carlos Lopes, focused his keynote speech at the LafargeHolcim Forum 2016 on Africa’s Infrastructure Appetite.
14 Avril 2016
There's a "golden opportunity" for African countries to "leapfrog" over rival economies into a green future. That's the message from the chief of the Economic Commission for Africa delivered at UN headquarters on Monday.
5 Avril 2016
L’Afrique a accusé le plus grand déficit de sa balance de paiements courants sur ces dix dernières années. Ce discours de Carlos Lopes, inductif à la conférence conjointe entre l’Union Africaine et la Commission Economique Africaine. La transformation de l’Afrique n’est pas une option.
4 Avril 2016
The Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union recently convened their annual Conference of Ministers meetings. The meetings have become an important platform to discuss the most critical African Developmental issues. CNBC Africa caught up with Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary for the Economic Commission for Africa to find out some of the key issues that will be covered during the five...
4 Avril 2016
The African Development Week is taking place in Addis Ababa. The event is themed 'Towards an Integrated and Coherent Approach to Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Agenda 2063. CNBC Africa speaks to Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary, ECA; Fatima Haram ACYL, Commissioner: Trade & Industry, African Union Commission; Mariama Awumbila, Centre for Migration Studies, University of...
4 Avril 2016
The African Development Week is taking place in Addis Ababa. The event is themed ‘Towards an Integrated and Coherent Approach to Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Agenda 2063, a meeting between African Union ministers and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
3 Avril 2016
ECA Chief, Carlos Lopes, on Greening Africa’s Industrialisation
