Couverture médiatique
Vidéo et radio
11 Juillet 2013
Il faut commencer par rendre hommage aux panafricanistes qui ont contribué à la formation de cette idéale. Ils viennent de la diaspora.
3 Juillet 2013
3 Jul 2013 - Panel discussion on “International cooperation in the development, transfer and diffusion of technologies in Africa and least developed countries” at the 2013 High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council (Geneva, 1 - 4 July)
17 Juin 2013
How to reconnect and restore confidence in jobs and growth as instruments of social progress was the topic of debate during a high-level panel discussion of the International Labour Conference.
15 Juin 2013
The Fascinating Africans Committed to Excellence (F.A.C.E.) list Awards has nominated Mr. Carlos Lopes for his visionary and exemplary leadership and for playing an integral role in Africa’s development and progress over the last decade.
5 Juin 2013
UNECA Video Channel - YouTube
Mr. Lopes address to High-level symposium to discuss the future and the features of a renewed global partnership for the Post 2015 era.
28 Mai 2013
UNECA Video Channel - YouTube
African Union summit Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes, helped present this year's Africa Progress Report on enhancing economic performances, focusing on Natural resources and wealth distribution.
Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA)
28 Mai 2013
Moment d’euphorie, le week-end dernier, le 26 mai à Addis-Abeba : « Le temps de l’Afrique est venu », ont lancé de nombreux orateurs lors du 50e anniversaire de l’Union africaine (UA).
23 Mai 2013
UNECA Video Channel - YouTube
Youth Forum, AU 50th Anniversary on the theme: African Renaissance ‐ The Africa We Want to See in 2063 “Africa’s youth have made an impact on the democratic evolution of the continent. Africa’s youth are it’s future and the most important contribution” Carlos Lopes
22 Mai 2013
African Union
The African Union Executive Council opens with a call for a People Centred Union to achieve the Africa 2063 vision
15 Mai 2013
A Conferência "A CPLP na era da globalização" foi proferida pelo Dr. Carlos Lopes, no dia 13 de Maio, às 18h00, na Sede da CPLP.
14 Mai 2013
ABN Digital
ABN’s Godfrey Mutizwa caught up with Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary at the economic commission for Africa. One high point of the recent meeting at the World Economic Forum in South Africa was the private sector drive and the pool of money that exist between private sector groups in Africa.
23 Avril 2013
UN web TV
The Launch of the Economic Report on Africa 2013 argues that the question is not whether Africa can industrialize by ignoring its commodities, but rather how it can use them to add value. Mr Carlos Lopes highlights the progress of the growth of African economy in the last decade.
28 Mars 2013
28 Mars 2013
ECA's Executive Secretary, Carlos Lopes gives speech at the 2013 Joint AU-ECA Meeting in Abidjan on March 25, 2013.
26 Mars 2013
Au terme de la 6ème conférence conjointe des ministres de l’Economie et des Finances de l’Union Africaine et de ceux des Finances, de la Planification et du développement économique pour l’Afrique, le Dr Albert Toikeusse Mabri, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre du Plan et du Développement, a co-animé une conférence de presse avec le Sous-secrétaire adjoint de l’ONU et secrétaire exécutif de la Commission...
26 Février 2013
ABN Digital
Africa's economic future will be determined by how it designs and implements policies that promote industrialization and economic transformation. And Africa's governments must take urgent action. These are the words of Dr Carlos Lopes, Executiuve Secretary of the UNECA.
5 Mai 2011
O subsecretário-geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), Carlos Lopes, afirma que o número de áreas de conflito diminuiu graças à atuação dos capacetes azuis da ONU, embora sublinha que os conflitos que restam são mais complexos e difíceis de gerir.