Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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9 Mai 2014
Abuja, Nigeria, 9 May 2014 – A rising Africa is being propelled by a fast-track growth trajectory, but inequality and pervasive poverty is undermining the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and compromising the future, concluded panellists on post-2015 development at the 24th World Economic Forum on Africa. They agreed that education, job creation, infrastructure,...
9 Mai 2014
A rising Africa is being propelled by a fast-track growth trajectory, but inequality and pervasive poverty is undermining the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and compromising the future, concluded panellists on post-2015 development at the 24th World Economic Forum on Africa. They agreed that education, job creation, infrastructure, industrialization and security are the...
9 Mai 2014
Chairman of Heirs Holdings and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, yesterday announced the launch of the Africapitalism Institute at the World Economic Forum on Africa, in Abuja, Nigeria. Africapitalism – the philosophy established by Mr. Elumelu –calls on the private sector to commit to making long-term investments across Africa that generates both economic prosperity and social wealth....
9 Mai 2014
Chairman, Heirs Holdings and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Mr. Tony Elumelu, yesterday at the ongoing World Economic Forum on Africa, in Abuja, naugurated Africapitalism Institute. Africapitalism – the philosophy established by Elumelu calls on the private sector to commit to making long-term investments across Africa that generate both economic prosperity and social wealth.
9 Mai 2014
The role of big business in African agriculture often divides opinion. Some seeing it as an opportunity for sustainable economic growth in the sector, some as a new form of colonialism with richer countries exploiting Africa’s food growing conditions and spare land to supply their own countries. Whether a positive development step or a risk to food security, agribusiness on the continent looks...
8 Mai 2014
Abuja, 8 May 2014 – Tony O. Elumelu, CON, the chairman of Heirs Holdings and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, today announced the launch of the Africapitalism Institute at the World Economic Forum on Africa, in Abuja, Nigeria.
8 Mai 2014
O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva afirmou nesta quinta-feira (8) que o Brasil precisa "fazer mais" no combate ao preconceito. Ao conceder entrevista ao secretário-executivo da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para a África, Carlos Lopes, o petista disse também que fará "o que puder" para reduzir o preconceito no Brasil.
8 Mai 2014
O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva participou do Fórum Econômico Mundial sobre a África, nesta quinta-feira (8), falando sobre a orientação nacional no caminho para o crescimento inclusivo. O Fórum acontece na capital da Nigéria, Abuja, de quarta (7) a sexta-feira (9). Lula foi entrevistado por Carlos Lopes, da Guiné Bissau, subsecretário-geral e secretário executivo da Comissão Econômica...
8 Mai 2014
O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva participou, nesta quinta-feira (8), do Fórum Econômico Mundial para a África, em Abuja, na Nigéria. Em entrevista ao secretário da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) para a África, Carlos Lopes, Lula falou sobre seu papel como ex-presidente do Brasil e de estratégias para ajudar no desenvolvimento dos países africanos.
8 Mai 2014
O ex-presidente fala a chefes de Estado e de governo africanos, autoridades e lideranças internacionais, empresários e representantes da sociedade civil
8 Mai 2014
O Presidente da República recebeu ontem em audiência o ex-Presidente do Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. José Eduardo dos Santos recebeu o político brasileiro, no Palácio da Cidade Alta, pouco antes de dirigir mais uma sessão do Conselho de Ministros.
8 Mai 2014
The Angolan president, José Eduardo dos Santos, the Brazilian received Thursday exmandatario Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who participated in a seminar on how to fight hunger and poverty, the newspaper Jornal de Angola reported.
8 Mai 2014
O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva afirmou nesta quinta-feira (8) que o Brasil precisa "fazer mais" no combate ao preconceito. Ao conceder entrevista ao secretário-executivo da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para a África, Carlos Lopes, o petista disse também que fará "o que puder" para reduzir o preconceito no Brasil.
8 Mai 2014
The Tony Elumelu Foundation, on Thursday, at the on-going World Economic Forum for Africa holding in Abuja, launched its pet project- Africapitalism, which it said is the path to economic prosperity and social wealth. Discussions centred on ways to lift the continent out of poverty, with panellists agreeing on the need to stop exporting raw materials and begin to add value and in the process...
8 Mai 2014
Tony O. Elumelu, CON, the chairman of Heirs Holdings and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, today announced the launch of the Africapitalism Institute at the World Economic Forum on Africa, in Abuja, Nigeria. Africapitalism – the philosophy established by Mr. Elumelu – calls on the private sector to commit to making long-term investments across Africa that generate both economic...
8 Mai 2014
The Angolan president, José Eduardo dos Santos, the Brazilian received Thursday exmandatario Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who participated in a seminar on how to fight hunger and poverty, the newspaper Jornal de Angola reported.
7 Mai 2014
Le président de l’Assemblée nationale, SE. Hama Amadou, a reçu en audience, hier matin, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes, en mission de travail dans notre pays, depuis lundi dernier.
7 Mai 2014
En mission de travail dans notre pays, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes, a eu une réunion d’échange, hier dans l’après-midi, avec le ministre d’Etat, ministre du Plan, de l’Aménagement du territoire et du Développement Communautaire M. Amadou Boubacar Cissé, entouré de hauts cadres du ministère.
7 Mai 2014
En mission de travail dans notre pays, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes, a eu une réunion d'échange, hier dans l'après-midi, avec le ministre d'Etat, ministre du Plan, de l'Aménagement du territoire et du Développement Communautaire M. Amadou Boubacar Cissé, entouré de hauts cadres du ministère.
7 Mai 2014
Ahead of its summit in June, the AU has elevated the stemming of illegal transfer of capital as a top priority. The impact of illicit outflows of capital in Africa was also the focus of the 3rd Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa held in the Ethiopian lakeside resort of Bahir Dar on April 26-27.
