
Webinar on Skills for Economic diversification
Skills for Economic diversification in Central Africa: challenges and opportunities
Friday, May 29, 2020




This webinar will be the first of a series of interactive meetings leading up to the 36th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts (ICE) for Central Africa to be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon, this year under the theme: "Skills for economic diversification in Central Africa". This session follows on from the debates of the last three ICEs devoted to the central role of industrialization and economic diversification in Central Africa, of which the Douala Consensus of September 2017 constitutes a major step.

The webinar of 29 May 2020 is designed to have key stakeholders to share ideas on the Subregion’s challenges and opportunities with regard to concrete skills-building for economic diversification in order to identify salient issues for systematic inclusion on the agenda of the 36th session of the ICE. Specifically, the webinar aims to: (i) whip-up interest among key actors on the central thrust of the 36th ICE; (ii) get feedback on the overall theme of the ICE and more ideas on how to render the session productive and beneficial for Central African countries; (iii) get inputs that can be used to enrich the background study for the ICE and (iv) build beneficial partnerships for skills development for economic diversification in Central Africa.

How to connect

Here is your link to the event on the specified date/time https://bit.ly/webinar-1-ICE-2020 

Date/Time: 29 mai 2020 de 10H à 13H*, heure de Yaoundé (GMT + 1).  


30 May 2020


Concept note



Antonio Pedro_The problematic-Breaking the Vicious Cycle

Mr. Salah Khaled: State of investments for effective STEM education in Africa in general and Central Africa in particular 

Dr. DEMBI Antoine Duval (CEEAC) - Comment traduire l’idée de la spécialisation à des niveaux pragmatiques et productives dans nos écoles et universités

Mme. Reine Essobmadje (GICAM) Lacunes en matière de formation tel qu’observé  sur le terrain au Cameroun

Mme. Grazuella Tovignon (Olam/ARISE, Gabon) - Lacunes en matière de formation tel qu’observé sur le terrain à OLAM, Gabon

Mr. Barnabé Okouda (CAMERCAP-PARC): Expériences tirées du travail sur le terrain et perspectives supplémentaires pour améliorer les compétences en STIM / STI en Afrique centrale

Dr.  Xavier Zingui Messomo (IUSTY) - STEM et formation professionnelle dans les établissements d’enseignement secondaire

Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni Assessing the available skills set for industrialization and economic diversification in Central Africa and avenues for improvement in the short term