WTO and UNECA join forces to boost intra-African trade

Addis Ababa 27 May 2013 (ECA) - The World Trade Organization in collaboration with the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will hold a regional Seminar on Aid for Trade and Africa’s Trade and Development Prospects. The seminar, will  be held on 4-6 June with experts on trade and development from the WTO, the ECA, African countries and Regional Economic Communities in attendance to discuss, among other topics, trade-related development challenges for the region, opportunities and challenges in the international agenda and relevant Aid for Trade issues.

As part of the seminar, experts will also validate a report produced by ECA in preparation for the Fourth Global Review of Aid for Trade, to be held in Geneva from the 8th to 10th July 2013.

In addition to an analysis of Aid for Trade flows to the region, the report will present the result of a survey conducted by African Union (AU) and ECA, on how Aid for Trade can best support the AU Action Plan to boost intra-African trade.

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