Towards an African-driven mineral governance framework

(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) - A three-day Technical Workshop on the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) is currently underway in Addis Ababa from 29 February to 2 March 2016. Hosted by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), the purpose of the workshop is to critically review, share and develop a technical methodology, workshop tools, and proposed themes for the planned continental Roundtable on the African Extractive Industry Governance Framework (AEIGF) to be held in Addis Ababa on 21 and 22 March 2016.

In preparation for the March Roundtable, the Technical Workshop currently taking place brings together around 10 technical experts in the field of governance, political economy, and law as well as representatives from the AUC, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). In addition, three representatives of regional CSOs have been invited to participate.

The High Level Roundtable to be hosted later in March seeks to develop a cross-cutting, harmonised African standard for the AEIGF in order to provide a coherent response to the proliferation of parallel international governance instruments. This would demonstrate the commitment of African leaders and citizens to reversing the pessimism associated with Africa’s mineral wealth, by ensuring that the principles of transparency, accountability, equity and inter-generational sustainability are internalised.


Note for editors on the Africa Mining Vision:

Formally adopted by African heads of state in 2009, the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) is the continent’s own response to tackling the paradox of great mineral wealth existing side by side with pervasive poverty.  Simply put, the AMV outlines the roadmap to the transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development in Africa.

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Daisy Leoncio, Communications Officer for the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), by email at or visit