Social Development: ECA’s African Index to be presented in Tunis

Social Development: ECA’s African Index to be presented in Tunis

Rabat, 14 September (ECA):The Economic Commission for Africa will launch, Tuesday 20 September in Tunis (Tunisia) the African Social Development Index (ASDI) Sub-Regional Report for North Africa.

The ASDI index is a social policy conception and monitoring tool. Launched in March 2015 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), the ASDI’s objective is to help African States ensure their countries’ economic development has a positive impact on populations’ living conditions. To do so, the index measures human exclusion in six key dimensions of well being covering the life cycle, and which include: survival, health, education, employment, means of subsistence and the capacity to live a decent life after the age of 60. The report to be presented on 20 September is the first to cover North Africa. It will present ASDI results for six North African countries : Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia.

“Human exclusion is different from social exclusion. It describes individuals’ incapacity to participate in and benefit from their country’s development process”, explained Ms Takyiwaa Manuh, Director of the ECA Social Development Policy Division ahead of the meeting. “This report aims to help North African policy makers make their policies more fair and inclusive. It will also facilitate debates and the sharing of experience on social development policies in North Africa”, she added.  

Launch of the African Social Development Index (ASDI) Sub-Regional Report for North Africa
Tunis, Tunisia
Tuesday 20 September at 8.30 am

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التنمية الاجتماعية: إطلاق المؤشر الأفريقي للجنة الاقتصادية لأفريقيا بتونس