Ministers agree to use high commodity prices window for Africa’s transformation

Maputo, 18 December 2013 - African Ministers responsible for mineral resources development concluded their third Ordinary Session with a resounding determination to seize opportunities in high commodity prices and increased competition for Africa’s mineral resources to transform the continent. 

Meeting from 16-17 December in Maputo, Mozambique to deliberate the recommendations by senior officials that had met from 13-15, the ministers agreed to realize the commitment of Africa’s Heads of States and government articulated in the Africa Mining Vision (AMV). This, they noted would require achieving the goals of Accelerating Industrial Development for Africa as well as the AU Agenda 2053 for the transformation of Africa’s people and the integration of Africa into the global economy. 

Speaking at the closing, the Mozambique Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina urged member States to work towards domesticating the AMV and said the recommendations of the Ministers should stimulate policy makers to ensure wealth creation for their citizens. 

“I am glad to note that during the conference, you managed to launch the African Minerals Development Centre which is critical in implementing the AMV,” he said. 

The meeting also stressed the need to strengthen the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as the tool for achieving a shared understanding of mineral value chain creation and improving the overall mineral resource sector governance in Africa. 

The Ministers adopted the Business Plan of the African Minerals Development Centre and stressed the need for a financing mechanism to enable member states to make financial contributions to the Centre as a means of ensuring long-term ownership and sustainability. 

For her part, AU Commissioner for trade and industry Madame Fatima Haram Acyl called on members to come up with mechanisms to mobilize resources that would ensure smooth operations of the AMDC and said she was happy that the member States were determined to “finance their own destiny in ensuring ownership of the AMV.’” 
At the close of the meeting, the Ministers agreed to a proposal for Zambia and Zimbabwe to jointly host an extraordinary session of the Ministers in 2014 at the border towns of Livingstone and Victory Falls Town in Zimbabwe. 

The meeting was attended by African Experts in mineral resources development, African Union Commission and Officials from Regional Economic Communities, Development Partners, representatives of UN agencies, Private Sector representatives, African Chambers of mines and industry, NGOs and CSOs and the African Development Bank.