Kenya ramps up its Country Mining Vision process

Nairobi, Kenya, 27 November 2016 (ECA) – Leaders from different government ministries and members of the academia as well as the civil society met from 14 to 17 October 2016 to kick start the process of developing the customized Country Mining Vision for Kenya.

The retreat was held in the outskirts of the capital city to discuss a comprehensive approach on how to address the broad spectrum of the African Mining Vision (AMV)-related issues in relation to the developmental agenda of the minerals sector in Kenya.

The aim of the Country Mining Vision (CMV) in Kenya is to help the country pave the way for a mineral-led structural transformation by improving inter-sectoral coordination and governance, sequencing interventions and investments better, and building a broad coalition for change. 

With the CMV’s high-level coordinating policy and institutional framework formulated on mineral resource-driven development and structural transformation, Kenya has the opportunity to share a unique joint national responsibility anchored on collaborative engagement with a broad range of stakeholders from government departments, private sector, local communities, civil societies, academia, media and other interest groups.

Paul Msoma, Governance Officer for AMDC, said, “This process will in turn help align Kenya’s related processes to the broader AMV agenda, hence advancing an overarching mineral sector framework that adheres to the tenets of the AMV and gainfully reflects the realities and priorities of Kenya, as determined by the country.”

As Kenya moves forward towards the domestication of the AMV, and together with the momentum generated from the retreat, the Ministry of Mines and other major players pledged to continue rolling out the process by creating a clear road map and continuing support and coordination among the key stakeholders.


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Economic Commission for Africa
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