Addis Ababa, 02 May 2013 (ECA) - The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in collaboration with the World Economic Forum will be holding an Industry Partnership Meeting for Mining and Metals aimed at examining how the Africa Mining Vision and its goal of facilitating “transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development” can be translated into national mining visions. The meeting will take place on 8 May in the context of the World Economic Forum on Africa to take place in Cape Town from8-10 May 2013 on the theme: Delivering on Africa’s Promise.
The first session, Africa Mining Vision and Mineral Value Management will look into how value is created across multiple dimensions of the mining value chain and define its drivers in the African context. In this respect, the session will also discuss learn of progress in the establishment of the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) and the Responsible Minerals Development Initiative’s newly developed Mineral Value Management tool.
The development of mineral resources is a key driver of global economic growth and provides unparalleled opportunities for resource-rich Africa. It has the potential to transform economies and societies, but according to the organizers, the extent to which it has fulfilled that potential is varied. Aligning stakeholders on how value is created from the extractive industry and ways to maximize that value for all stakeholders has become an imperative.
The second session, Responsible Mineral Development Initiative Deep Dive: Towards more transparency and responsibility in the supply chain will host some of Africa’s most influential stakeholders with the aim of exploring the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in the mining sector. It will investigate trends towards responsible and transparent sourcing in the metals sector.
Notes to editors:
The ultimate purpose of the Africa Mining Vision, adopted by the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government is to work towards a well managed minerals sector that can lift the continent out of poverty and catapult it to growth, development and prosperity for all. The establishment of the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) will provide strategic operational support for the African Mining Vision and its Action Plan.
The mission of the Centre is to work with member States and their national and regional organisations to promote the transformative role of mineral resources in the development of the continent through increased economic and social linkages.
To swiftly implement the Vision, the Heads of State and Government requested “... the AU Conference of Ministers in Charge of Mineral Resources Development to develop a concrete Action Plan”. This was subsequently approved by the Second AU Conference of Ministers held in December 2011. That Conference also called for the establishment of the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) “ to provide strategic technical support capacity to AU/NEPAD, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and member States for the implementation of the Action Plan and hence the AMV”
Download The international Study Group Report on Africa's Mineral Regimes: Minerals and Africa's Development
Related: ‘Making the most of Africa’s Commodities’ Industrializing for Growth, Jobs and Economic Transformation from the joint ECA/AUC 2013 Economic Report on Africa downloadble at:
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