IDEP Welcomes Its First 2013 Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem Fellow

Dakar. Senegal 4 June, 2013 (IDEP) - On 3rd June 2013, IDEP welcomed Dr. Dumsile Dlamini the first laureate for 2013 of its Visiting Fellowship Programme for Policy Researchers, also known as “IDEP Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem Fellowships”. Since 1999, Dr Dlamini, a national of Swaziland, has been a full time lecturer in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Swaziland. She obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2011 with a specialization in Development Economics and Monetary Economics. She has carried out research in the area of monetary policy and regional integration, the role of the financial sector and education policy.

Dr. Dlamini will spend two months (3rd June to 2nd August 2013) at IDEP in the framework of the fellowship programme conducting research, with the aim of producing a report on “Youth Unemployment in Swaziland: Nature and Challenges”.

Since the launching of the Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem Visiting Fellowship Programme in 2011, four candidates have gone through the programme. The fellowship programme targets the expressed needs of African officials and their institutions for a much greater research input into the policy formulation and decision-making processes on the continent. It simultaneously provides an avenue for African researchers to better connect with some of the core concerns of the policy makers whose decisions and choices are central to development outcomes on the continent.

TheTajudeen Abdul-Raheem Visiting Fellowship Programme is one of the three fellowship programmes offered at IDEP, the two others being the Visiting Fellowship Programme for African Policy Officials and the Intra-African Study Visit Programme for Policy Officials. These fellowship programmes enable the Institute contribute towards forging a much stronger research-policy interface that most observers agree has been sorely lacking and whose strengthening can only be advantageous for the development of Africa. The outputs of the laureates of the fellowship programmes will serve the needs of policy communities not only at the continental level, but also at the sub-regional and national levels. .

Note to editors
Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem (1961 – 2009) was one of the most-indefatigable pan-Africanists of his generation, never losing any opportunity to carry the torch of African integration and unity, and doing so both as a scholar and an activist. His example inspired many others within and outside Africa to renew their belief in the continent in spite of hopes that were dashed by a succession of short-sighted leaders whose policies were hardly helpful to the pan-African cause. It is in recognition of his contribution to the building of a modern pan-African agenda and the nurturing of a pan-African consciousness that the beneficiaries of the IDEP visiting fellowship programme targeted at policy researchers are formally known as Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem Fellows.   

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