ECA to study financing of SDGs and Agenda 2063 at HLPF

New York, 15 July 2019 (ECA) - The Economic Commission for Africa and the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN will organize, on Tuesday 16 July in New York (United States), a debate on “Strengthening Fiscal Policy and Harnessing Digitization to Scale up Financing for the SDGs and Agenda 2063 in Africa”.


This event will take place on the margins of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development with the aim of raising awareness about challenges related to the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa and gather international support to better address them.


The event also aims to promote sound fiscal policies and digitalization to step up revenue generation for sustainable development in Africa.


Event: « Strengthening Fiscal Policy and Harnessing Digitization to Scale up Financing for the SDGs and Agenda 2063 in Africa”

Date: July 16th, 2019 from 1.15 to 2.30 pm

Place: UN Headquarters, Conference room 9


Communication Team
Economic Commission for Africa
Office for North Africa
Tel: +212 (0) 537 548 749