The ECA strengthens the WAEMU capacities on the ASDI

Niamey, October 16, 2015 (ECA) Providing guidance for African States and the Regional Economic Communities forms one of the mandates of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. It was with this perspective that, on the request of the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) the ECA decided to strengthen the capacities of a dozen of its executives on the African Social Development Index (ASDI), in particular on the application of the methodology for calculating this Index for a community space.

Extended to include certain executives of the  Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Social Action and National Solidarity, the National Institute of Statistics and Demography of Burkina Faso and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the objectives of this training session, which will take place on October 26-28, 2015 at the WAEMU Commission, are to: (i) strengthen the understanding of the calculation methodology for the ASDI at the national level; (ii) gather the statistical data necessary and re-calculate the ASDI for Burkina; (iii) present the ASDI calculation methodology for a community space; (iv) gather the statistical data necessary and carry out the ASDI calculation for the WAEMU area; and (v) analyze the impact of social policies on the reduction of human exclusion over time at the national and community levels.

This training session will feature presentations by the technicians of the Sub-Regional Office for West Africa (SRO-WA) and the Division of Social Development Policies (DSDP) of the ECA while the proceedings will be run by executives from the WAEMU Commission and Burkina technicians with support from the ECA. This approach will make it possible in particular to combine theory with practice in the collection and analysis of data to successfully calculate the ASDI for the WAEMU community space.

It should be noted that the ECA will take advantage of its stay in Burkina Faso to also organize an information session on the ASDI on October 29, 2015 at the Palm Beach Hotel in Ouagadougou, along with another index that it has developed, which is the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI), in such a way as to expand the understanding and appropriation of these policy instruments by a larger public, including experts in statistical techniques as well as political decision-makers, civil society and the press.

 Published by:

The ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa (ECA/SRO-WA)

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