Yaounde, Cameroon, 10 November 2017 (ECA) – Agencies of the UN System, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) of Central Africa and their development partners such as the African Development bank (AfDB) will concert from 21 to 22 November 2017 in Yaoundé – Cameroon, within the framework of the eighth session of the Sub-regional Coordination Mechanism (SRCM) of the UN System-wide support to the AU’s NEPAD programme in the sub region.
The meeting is convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in a context marked by the reform undertaken by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in order to make the United Nations system more coherent, efficient, and effective in dealing with current development problems.
The focus of the meeting will be to make a final assessment of actions carried out under the Common Indicative Programme (CIP II) for the period 2013-2016; Select flagship projects to be entered in the CIP III, taking into account the need to limit the number to make this program more operational than the previous; and make recommendations for the mobilization of resources necessary for the implementation of the CIP III.
At the last SRCM-CA meeting held on 06 and 07 December 2016 in Libreville, Gabon, the mid-term review showed that 13 activities were considered to be carried out, 52 were on process and two had not yet started.
During the upcoming SRCM-CA session, based on the findings of ECA’s report, partners will select 12 flagship projects to be include in the CIP III.
Issued by:
The Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa
UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
P.O. Box 14935 Yaounde, Cameroon
Tel: (+237) 222504348 / 222504315 / 222504321
E-mail: sroca@uneca.org
Media Contact
Lot Tcheeko, Knowledge Management Officer
Tel: 237 222504321