Africa’s Agenda 2063 to help address the Continent’s new growth challenges

Addis Ababa, 25 July 2013 (ECA) - Amidst the new sense of optimism found in Africa’s new natural resources discoveries, rapid urbanisation and increased regional integration, the tripartite partnership of the African Development Bank (AfDB), African Union Commission (AUC) and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), as well as the Regional Economic Commissions (RECs) are rallying round the need for a new vision. Dubbed ‘Agenda 2063’, the three institutions are in agreement, that this vision, crafted by the AU can be the pathway for addressing the challenges found in Africa’s new opportunities towards its sustainable growth.

During the recent roundtable on financing Africa’s transformation held in Tunis on 19 July, a technical session on Agenda 2063 highlighted the high levels of growth witnessed in such during the past decade. The session underscored that the growth “is happening against the backdrop of Africa’s structural challenges which include infrastructure deficits, adverse effects of climate change, and food insecurity.”

In this respect, said participants, “opportunities and challenges provide room for Africa to re-think the conventional approach to conducting the business of development, hence the rationale for Agenda 2063.”

ECA assured participants that the articulation of Agenda 2063 is based on an analysis of past experience as well as critical success factors, risks and challenges.

ECA officials stressed the necessity for a paradigm shift in Africa’s development where change is driven from within the continent, stressing that this requires a reinforcement of the capacity of Africa’s institutions.

They pointed out that the African Development Goals (ADGs) would build on existing continental frameworks and add value to the process of implementing Agenda 2063.
“The goals will also set key milestones to track progress in the vision,” they said.

The idea of the African Development Goals received strong support from participants of the roundtable as reflected by the final Communique of the meeting.

The objectives of the Roundtable were, among others, to map out priorities to accelerate Africa’s transformation agenda, to define innovative financing mechanisms and instruments to respond to priorities, and to strengthen partnerships among the continent’s leading regional organisations.

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