Addis Ababa to host the 10th African Development Forum

Addis Ababa, 11 August 2016 (ECA) – Preparations are underway for the Tenth African Development Forum (ADF) to be convened by the Economic Commission for Africa, the African Union and the African Development Bank.

The forum, which brings together a large number of participants, including Heads of State and Government, policy makers of African member States, development partners, UN agencies, academics, civil society organizations, the private sector, eminent policy and opinion leaders, among others, will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 15-17 November on the theme; “Migration and Africa’s transformation”. Parallel events will take place from 13-14 November.

"The theme stems from the recognition of the central role of migration as an important enabler for inclusive and sustainable development as we seek to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the role of international migration in promoting inclusive growth and transformation in Africa,” says ECA’s Chief Economist and Deputy Executive Secretary, Abdalla Hamdok.

Mr. Hamdok says the forum will provide an opportunity for African policy makers to analyse issues, review progress, discuss policy options, strengthen partnerships and explore consensus on divising suitable strategies for making migration work for Africa’s transformation.

“The central premise guiding the discussions at the forum is that international migration plays a critical role in the continent’s endeavor to develop and improve welfare, peace and stability and provide jobs for our growing population,” he adds.

Mr. Hamdok underscores that the Tenth  African Development Forum will help African policy makers and other stakeholders to look at how, among other things, the continent can leverage its youth bulge or demographic dividend for future growth and prosperity in the spirit of the 2030 Agenda that ‘no-one is left behind’ in Africa’s transformation.”

Migration, he adds, continues to shape dynamics across countries with the youth, mostly migrating for jobs and education.

The issue of migration has become a major subject of debate internationally with sensational reporting by some sections of the media whipping emotions and feeding into existing stereotypes, especially on the numbers of Africans leaving the continent, criminality, global asylum and related issues.

The ADF, Mr. Hamdok says, will discuss all the issues linked to migration, in particular fostering regional mobility on the continent, demographic dividend and migration, skills, employment creation, leveraging human and financial resources of Africa’s diaspora for development and new directions and trends in African migration.

Note to Editors:

The ADF is a flagship biennial event of the Economic Commission for Africa that offers a multi-stakeholder platform to debate, discuss and propose concrete strategies for Africa’s development.

The Forum is convened in collaboration with the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and other key partners to establish an African-driven development agenda that reflects consensus on African development matters.

The ADF will be preceded by a series of targeted pre-events, organized by various institutions, to foster additional discussions on issues pertaining to the main theme. Updates on accreditation and registration follow in the coming weeks.

Issued by:

Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 551 5826